Bar ¡ Roger Rogers [Monsters at work]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n stumbled into Harry's Bar after a long day at work, craving nothing more than a cold beer to unwind. Roger Rogers, the resident bartender, greeted Y/n with his usual booming voice and wide grin.

"What'll it be tonight, Y/n? The usual?" Roger asked, polishing a glass with exaggerated enthusiasm.

Y/n nodded wearily. "Yeah, just a beer, Roger. Long day."

As Roger poured the drink, a shady figure at the end of the bar watched intently. Unbeknownst to Y/n, the man slipped a small vial into Y/n's beer when Roger wasn't looking.

Y/n took a sip and almost immediately felt strange. Colors seemed brighter, and the room swirled in a mesmerizing dance. Roger noticed Y/n's puzzled expression.

"You okay there, Y/n? You look like you've seen a ghost," Roger chuckled, wiping the counter.

Y/n shook their head, trying to focus. "I don't know, Roger. Something's off. I feel... weird."

Roger frowned, his jovial demeanor fading. "Weird how?"

Y/n's eyes widened as unicorns pranced across the bar, their horns sparkling with neon lights. "I'm seeing... unicorns, Roger. Unicorns!"

Roger's jaw dropped. "Damn, Y/n, you've been drugged! Hold on, I'll get you some water."

Y/n blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of the surreal scene. "Water won't help, Roger. I think I'm losing it."

Roger cursed under his breath, his face a mix of concern and anger. "Who the hell would do this? Stay with me, Y/n."

Y/n struggled to stay grounded as the hallucinations intensified. "There's a... a rainbow waterfall in the corner, Roger. And the floor... it's covered in glittering diamonds."

Roger clenched his fists, scanning the bar for the perpetrator. "Shit, if I find out who did this..."

Y/n suddenly pointed to a shadowy figure slipping out the back door. "There! That guy did it!"

Roger's expression hardened. "Stay here, Y/n. I'm calling the cops."

Y/n nodded weakly, still lost in a kaleidoscope of unreal images. "Be careful, Roger. I think... I think I see a giant talking turtle now."

Roger rushed out, leaving Y/n in the care of other patrons who had noticed the commotion. As the effects of the drug slowly wore off, Y/n found themselves surrounded by concerned faces and the comforting presence of Roger Rogers, the bartender with a heart of gold.

Y/n sat at the bar a week later, still feeling a bit shaken from the incident. Roger Rogers stood nearby, pouring drinks for other patrons, his gruff voice carrying over the lively chatter.

"You doing alright, Y/n?" Roger asked, his concern palpable despite his attempt to sound casual.

Y/n nodded slowly, swirling their drink. "Yeah, I think so. Thanks again, Roger. I don't know what I would've done without you that night."

Roger grunted, leaning on the counter. "It's all part of the job, kid. Just glad you're okay."

As Y/n glanced around the bar, they noticed the regulars chatting and laughing, sipping their drinks without a care in the world. The atmosphere was relaxed, adults enjoying their evening in a familiar sanctuary.

Roger caught Y/n's gaze and smirked knowingly. "You see those guys over there? They're a rowdy bunch, but they're family here."

Y/n chuckled softly, taking another sip. "Yeah, this place feels... safe."

Roger's eyes softened. "Damn right it is. We don't tolerate any bullshit in Harry's Bar."

Suddenly, a loud crash came from the corner where the rowdy group was sitting. Y/n turned to see a drunken patron knocking over a phallic-shaped decoration that had been hanging on the wall.

"Shit, Frank! Watch what you're doing, you clumsy motherfucker!" Roger bellowed, rushing over to assess the damage.

Y/n stifled a laugh as Roger helped clean up the mess, exchanging good-natured insults with Frank and his friends. Despite the chaos, there was a sense of camaraderie that filled the air.

"See, Y/n," Roger said with a grin, returning to the bar with a slightly dented decoration in hand, "it's not just a bar. It's a place where people come together, no matter how weird or wild things get."

Y/n nodded, feeling a warmth in their chest. "Yeah, I get it now. Harry's Bar isn't just a place to drink. It's a community."

Roger clapped Y/n on the shoulder. "You're catching on, kid. Now, how about another drink? On the house, to celebrate you being back to your usual self."

Y/n smiled gratefully, raising their glass. "To Harry's Bar, and to you, Roger Rogers. Thanks for everything."

Roger grinned back, his eyes twinkling with pride. "Cheers, Y/n. Here's to many more crazy nights and weird adventures in this motherfucking bar."

And with that, Y/n and Roger Rogers shared a moment of solidarity in the midst of the lively chaos of Harry's Bar, where stories unfolded and friendships blossomed amidst the clinking of glasses and laughter of patrons.

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