New clothes ¡ Lou [Bunk'd]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n's eyes lit up as she saw the array of beautiful clothes that her girlfriend Lou had bought for her. The vibrant colors and elegant designs filled her with excitement. "Wow, these are incredible! I love them all." Y/n exclaimed, unable to contain her joy. Lou beamed with satisfaction, knowing she had chosen well. "I knew you'd be thrilled. I wanted to surprise you." Lou said with a smile.

They spent the afternoon trying on the outfits, twirling in front of the mirror, and sharing laughter and stories. Each new garment brought a fresh wave of delight to Y/n, and Lou couldn't help but feel a warm glow of happiness at seeing her girlfriend so elated.

As they tried on the last set of clothes, Y/n turned to Lou with a grateful smile. "Thank you so much for these amazing gifts. You have such impeccable taste." she said, wrapping Lou in a tight hug. Lou held her close and replied. "You deserve every bit of it, my love. Now let's go out and show off these fabulous outfits over a celebratory dinner." They left the house arm in arm, ready to make new memories in their stunning new attire.

"But first I want to say thank you properly." I wear this outfit and the malicious eye. "Thanks."

She smile

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She smile. "You're welcome." She throws me on the bed and we start everything.

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