Pride month ¡ Anxiety [Inside out 2]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n had always cherished Pride Month, a time when the city came alive with rainbows and celebrations of love in all its forms. This year was even more special because she could share it with her girlfriend, Anxiety. They had been together for over a year, supporting each other through life's challenges and celebrating their love for each other every day.

As June approached, Y/n and Anxiety excitedly planned their Pride Month activities. They started by decorating their apartment with rainbow flags, streamers, and little pride-themed knick-knacks they had collected over the years. Each decoration brought a smile to Y/n's face, knowing that this space reflected their love and pride in who they were.

On the first weekend of Pride Month, Y/n and Anxiety attended a local Pride parade. They dressed in their favorite pride outfits—Y/n in a bright rainbow dress and Anxiety in a subtle rainbow-themed shirt and jeans. The parade was a riot of colors and music, with floats adorned with flags and performers dancing joyously along the streets. Y/n held Anxiety's hand tightly as they watched the parade go by, feeling the sense of community and acceptance wash over them.

After the parade, they joined friends at a Pride picnic in the park. They laughed and shared stories, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the company of people who understood and celebrated their identities. Y/n couldn't help but admire Anxiety's strength and resilience, knowing that her girlfriend faced daily battles with anxiety but always found the courage to support Y/n and be a part of events like this.

Throughout the month, Y/n and Anxiety attended more Pride events together. They went to LGBTQ+ film screenings, participated in panel discussions about queer representation in media, and attended a Pride-themed art exhibit. Each event brought them closer together, deepening their bond as they shared their thoughts and feelings about their identities and the importance of Pride Month.

One evening, as they cuddled on the couch after a long day, Y/n turned to Anxiety with a soft smile. "Thank you for being my rock, Anxiety. I don't know where I'd be without you."

Anxiety kissed Y/n's forehead gently. "And thank you for showing me what love and pride truly mean," she replied, her eyes filled with warmth.

As Pride Month drew to a close, Y/n surprised Anxiety with a small pride-themed photo album filled with memories from their month together. Anxiety flipped through the pages, her heart swelling with love and gratitude for the experiences they had shared.

"I love you, Y/n," Anxiety whispered, pulling her girlfriend close.

"I love you too, Anxiety," Y/n replied, feeling a deep sense of happiness and belonging in their love and in their celebration of Pride Month.

In this story, Y/n and Anxiety celebrate Pride Month by participating in various events and activities that bring them closer together and strengthen their bond. It highlights their love, support for each other, and their shared pride in who they are as individuals and as a couple within the LGBTQ+ community.

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