Together again ¡ Frank [Sausage party]

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Pov Frank

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Pov Frank

"Y/n? Is that really you?"

"Yes, Frank! It's me! Can you believe it's been fifteen years?"

I hug Y/n tightly. "I can't believe it! You look amazing! And where are the gods of this supermarket?"

I laugh. "They are not gods, they just kill us my dear hot dog bread friend. But ignoring that so do you! It feels like no time has passed at all."

"Remember when we used to spend our summers exploring the woods behind the fruit place?

"Of course! Those were some of the best times of my childhood. We were inseparable."

"We were always getting into some kind of adventure or mischief. Like the time we built a treehouse and got stuck up there for hours and you were there just talking about Brenda, where's she? I want to say hi!"

"Oh, yes! She's with the taco lady and I think they say that are going to do something 'new' but you'll talk with her later. And the time we found that old treasure map and spent days searching for hidden treasure in the park of the corns.

"And don't forget all those neighborhood soccer matches we played. You were always the star player."

Y/n blush. "Stop it, Frank. You were just as good, if not better!"

"Well, maybe we should have pursued professional soccer careers together."

"Who knows?" She laughs. "Maybe we would have made a great team."

"You know, Y/n, I've missed you so much over the years. Life just wasn't the same without you around."

"I missed you too, Frank. There was always a void in my heart without my best friend by my side."

I grab Y/n's hand. "Well, no more long separations. We're together now, and nothing will tear us apart again."

"I couldn't agree more. We have so much lost time to make up for."

"Absolutely! Let's plan some new adventures, just like we used to. Starting with exploring the real world and get off this cartoon.

"That sounds perfect, Frank. I can't wait to see what kind of trouble we can get into this time."

"Trouble or not, as long as we're together, it'll be a blast."

Y/n hug me once more. "Here's to new memories and a lifelong friendship, Frank."

"Cheers to that, Y/n. Cheers to us."

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