Taking over ¡ Anxiety [Inside out 2]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Inside Riley's mind, where emotions ruled and thoughts spun like the gears of a clockwork machine, Anxiety and Y/n were essential figures. Anxiety, meticulous and vigilant, always scanned the horizon for potential dangers and pitfalls. She was the guardian of Riley's fears, ensuring that caution prevailed in every decision Riley made. Y/n, on the other hand, embodied love and affection. Her presence brought warmth and compassion to Riley's experiences, nurturing connections with others and infusing Riley's memories with moments of tenderness and joy.

One particular day, Riley faced a daunting challenge at school—a big presentation in front of her classmates. Anxiety buzzed around Riley's mind, her voice a constant stream of warnings and preparations.

"We need to triple-check the presentation slides. What if you forget your lines? What if everyone laughs?"

Y/n, sensing Riley's nervousness and the tightening grip of Anxiety's concerns, approached with a calm smile.

"Hey there, Anx. Riley's got this. Remember, it's not just about avoiding mistakes but also showing everyone what she's capable of."

Anxiety glanced at Y/n, her brow furrowing slightly.

"I know, but what if she messes up? What if it goes wrong?"

Y/n placed a comforting hand on Anxiety's shoulder.

"We'll be there to support her, every step of the way. Let's focus on helping her feel confident and ready."

Anxiety hesitated, her thoughts racing with contingency plans and worst-case scenarios. But Y/n's gentle reassurance and unwavering optimism began to soothe the edges of her apprehension.

As Riley stepped onto the stage, Anxiety stood at the forefront, meticulously guiding her through each slide and every word. Y/n stood beside her, radiating encouragement and love.

"Okay, Riley. Take a deep breath. You've rehearsed this. You know your material."

"You've got this, Riley. Show them your passion."

Throughout the presentation, Anxiety's cautious guidance and Y/n's supportive presence created a harmonious balance. Riley felt their combined support like a safety net, allowing her to focus on delivering her message with confidence.

After the presentation, as Riley received applause from her classmates, Anxiety and Y/n shared a quiet moment in Headquarters.

"See, Anx? Riley did amazing. Your careful planning and my encouragement—they worked together perfectly."

Anxiety nodded, a hint of pride mingling with her usual vigilance.

"Yes, she did well. I suppose... maybe sometimes, a little love and encouragement can help balance out the worries."

Y/n smiled warmly.

"Absolutely. We're all here to help Riley navigate life's ups and downs."

And in that moment, amidst the bustling Headquarters of Riley's mind, Anxiety and Y/n realized that together, they could support Riley in ways that were both cautious and compassionate, ensuring she faced each challenge with resilience and love.

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