I'm jealous ¡ Barbie [Barbie™ movie]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

"Hey, babe, what's wrong? You seem a little upset." Barbie say.

"Well, Barbie, I can't help but feel a bit jealous. It seems like you're spending more time with those other Barbies than with me."

"Oh, love, you have nothing to worry about. Those Barbies are just my friends. You're the one who holds my heart."

Y/n sighs. "I know, but seeing you have so much fun and laughter with them makes me wonder if I'm not enough for you."

"Sweetheart, you are more than enough for me. Those Barbies are just a part of my life as friends. You're my girlfriend and my number one priority."

"I guess I just let my insecurities get the best of me sometimes. I'm sorry for doubting our relationship."

Barbie hugs her. "It's okay, love. We all have our moments of insecurity. But trust me when I say that you're the one who lights up my world." She kisses her. "Nothing and no one can replace you."

"Thank you for understanding, Barbie. I appreciate your reassurance and love."

"Always, babe. Remember that our love is strong and resilient. We can overcome any doubts or challenges together."

"You're right, Barbie. Our love is special, and I shouldn't let jealousy come between us."

"That's the spirit, love! Let's focus on our beautiful relationship and create more amazing memories together."

"Absolutely! From now on, I'll trust in our love and cherish every moment we spend together."

"That's all I could ask for, babe. I adore you, and nothing will ever change that."

"And I adore you too, Barbie. Let's continue building a love that's unbreakable and filled with endless happiness."

"Agreed, my love. Together, we can conquer anything. Jealousy has no place in our relationship."

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