Bulling ¡ Joy • Embarrassment [Inside out 2]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n had always been the embodiment of love, radiating kindness and compassion towards others. Their heart was open and generous, making friends easily and spreading warmth wherever they went. However, behind their bright smile and caring nature, Y/n was hiding a deep pain.

The bullying started subtly at first—snide remarks, exclusion from group activities, and whispers behind Y/n's back. At first, Y/n tried to brush it off, maintaining a brave face in front of their friends and family. But as the bullying escalated, so did Y/n's inner turmoil.

One day, as Y/n returned home from school, they retreated to their room, tears streaming down their cheeks. Joy noticed the change in Y/n's demeanor immediately. "Oh no, Y/n is hurting," Joy exclaimed, concern evident in her voice.

Embarrassed, who had always been shy and prone to embarrassment himself, felt a pang of sympathy for Y/n. "I... I know how it feels to be hurt by others' words," he mumbled, his cheeks flushing bright red with emotion.

Fear chimed in, his voice wavering slightly. "We need to protect Y/n. Bullying can lead to so many terrible things..."

Sadness, who often felt misunderstood herself, spoke softly. "Y/n, it's okay to feel hurt. We're here for you."

Disgust, who usually had a sharp tongue, softened her expression. "Those bullies are just insecure themselves. They don't deserve to make you feel this way."

Together, the emotions surrounded Y/n, offering comfort and support. Joy held Y/n's hand, trying to lift their spirits with her infectious optimism. "You are loved, Y/n. You bring so much light into the world."

Embarrassed shuffled closer, his own discomfort momentarily forgotten in his desire to help. "I... I may not be the bravest, but I understand feeling small and afraid. You're not alone."

Y/n looked up, their eyes filled with gratitude and relief. They had been silently carrying the weight of their pain, but now, with their emotions gathered around them, they felt a glimmer of hope.

Over the following days and weeks, Joy, Embarrassed, and the other emotions continued to support Y/n. They encouraged Y/n to talk about their feelings with trusted adults, to seek help from counselors, and to practice self-care. Slowly, Y/n began to regain their confidence and sense of self-worth.

The journey wasn't easy, and there were setbacks along the way. But with the unwavering support of their emotions and the love and understanding of those around them, Y/n learned to navigate the challenges of bullying. They discovered inner strength they never knew they had and found solace in the knowledge that they were not alone.

As time passed, Y/n's smile returned, brighter and more resilient than ever. Joy beamed proudly, Embarrassed blushed shyly but warmly, and the other emotions shared in Y/n's triumph over adversity.

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