Getting your first period ¡ Ally [Amphibia]

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Pov Y/n

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Pov Y/n

I just had my first period and that left me shaking and screaming. Ally, my girlfriend, woke up to the sound of my distress and immediately rushed to my side. "Y/n, it's okay." Ally said, wrapping her arms around mine in a comforting embrace.

I continued to tremble, tears streaming down her face. "I-I can't stop thinking about it." I stammered. "This isn't normal."

Ally held me close and whispered soothing words, gently stroking me hair. "I'm here with you, Y/n. You're safe now. Take deep breaths and focus on my voice."

I tried to calm down, taking deep breaths as Ally had suggested. "I'm so scared."

"I know, but I'm right here," Ally reassured her. "You're not alone. I won't let anything happen to you, it's totally normal."

As my breathing steadied, Ally continued to hold me until the fear subsided. "Thank you." I said softly, feeling the warmth of Ally's presence.

We stayed in each other's arms until I felt ready to clean. "I love you." I whispered when I change my pijama.

"I love you too." Ally replied, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead.

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