Apologize dinner ¡ Riley [Inside out 2]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Riley stood in the kitchen, a sense of nervous anticipation mixing with determination as she prepared a celebratory dinner for herself and her wife, Y/n. The atmosphere in their home had been tense lately, weighed down by an unresolved argument about Riley's perceived selfishness in parenting their children.

She had always prided herself on being a hands-on parent, eager to handle everything herself to ensure their children's well-being. However, it had inadvertently led to Y/n feeling sidelined and unable to contribute fully to their family life. The tension reached a breaking point when Y/n expressed her frustrations, accusing Riley of not letting her share the responsibilities.

Tonight, Riley intended to make things right. She meticulously followed a recipe she found online, determined to show Y/n how much she valued her partnership and contributions to their family. The aroma of herbs and spices filled the kitchen, creating a comforting atmosphere that Riley hoped would set the stage for a heartfelt reconciliation.

When Y/n arrived home from work, she was greeted by the inviting scent wafting through the air. She found Riley setting the table with their best dinnerware, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Hey," Riley said softly, her eyes meeting Y/n's with a mixture of apology and hope. "I made dinner. I thought maybe we could celebrate... us."

Y/n's heart softened at Riley's gesture. She knew how hard it was for Riley to admit fault and make amends. "That sounds lovely," she replied, her voice tinged with relief and gratitude.

As they sat down to eat, the tension that had hung between them began to dissipate. Riley served Y/n's favorite dish, making sure to let her wife know that she valued her opinions and contributions as a parent.

"I've been thinking," Riley started tentatively, "about what you said. I don't want you to feel like you can't be involved in raising our children. I know I've been too stubborn about doing everything myself."

Y/n reached across the table, gently squeezing Riley's hand. "I appreciate that," she admitted, her eyes softening with affection. "I love our family, Riley. I just want us to be a team."

Riley nodded, her own eyes misting with emotion. "We are a team," she affirmed, her voice steady with conviction. "And I promise to do better. Starting with tonight."

As they finished their meal, they talked openly and honestly about their hopes and fears for their family. They laughed about parenting mishaps and shared dreams for their children's future. By the time dessert arrived, they were leaning in close, their hearts reconnected through shared understanding and renewed commitment.

Later that evening, as they cleaned up together, Riley washed the dishes while Y/n dried them. They moved around each other with easy familiarity, a silent acknowledgment of their newfound unity.

"I love you," Riley whispered, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.

Y/n smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling with love and forgiveness. "I love you too," she replied, her voice filled with the promise of a brighter future together.

In that moment, as they stood side by side in the kitchen, Riley knew that their love and partnership were stronger than any disagreement. They had weathered the storm, emerging with a deeper understanding of each other and a renewed commitment to cherish their family. And as they embraced, Riley felt a sense of gratitude for the chance to make things right and celebrate the love that bound them together.

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