Online hate ¡ Gus [The owl house]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Once upon a time in the magical realm of Bonesborough, Y/n, a young witch, found herself facing online hate from anonymous trolls. Feeling hurt and overwhelmed, she confided in her best friend Gus, who was known for his clever strategies and kind heart.

"Gus, I don't know what to do. These comments are getting to me."

"I'm here for you, Y/n. We'll figure this out together. Let's not let their negativity affect you."

Determined to help Y/n, Gus suggested seeking advice from their wise and eccentric mentor, Eda the Owl Lady. "Ah, online trolls? I've dealt with my fair share of those. Remember, kiddos, haters gonna hate. But we can outsmart them with a little magic and a lot of sass." With Eda's guidance, Y/n and Gus embarked on a journey to combat the online hate using creative spells and clever counter-responses.

"I never knew magic could be used this way! Thank you, Gus."

"Anything for a friend in need. Plus, it's always fun to show off my spell-crafting skills!"

As they worked together, Y/n began to feel empowered and confident in standing up to the trolls. Y/n (responding to a troll. 'Your words can't bring me down anymore. I have friends who support me and the magic within me is stronger than your hate.'

With each positive interaction and witty comeback, the trolls' influence waned, and Y/n's confidence soared.

"You did it, Y/n! You showed them that kindness and magic are more powerful than hate."

"And I couldn't have done it without you, Gus. Thank you for being there for me."

In the end, Y/n learned that true friendship and self-confidence were the most potent tools against online hate. With Gus by her side, she embraced her inner strength and continued to spread kindness and positivity in the magical realm and beyond.

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