Rewrite the stars ¡ Anxiety [Inside out 2]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

In the bustling control center of Riley's mind, where emotions reigned and decisions shaped her world, Love and Anxiety often clashed, much like in the song "Rewrite the Stars."

Y/n, the embodiment of Love, radiated warmth and optimism. She thrived on moments that made Riley's heart flutter – a smile from a crush, a heartfelt hug from a friend. Y/n believed in rewriting destinies for the sake of love.

"Riley, look at them! They're like a ray of sunshine in your life. You've got to give this a chance," urged Y/n with enthusiasm.

Anxiety, however, approached life with caution. She scanned for dangers, whispered warnings of potential pitfalls. Anxiety fretted over decisions, wary of threats that could disrupt their carefully constructed world.

"But what if it all goes wrong? What if they hurt you?" Anxiety's voice echoed through Riley's thoughts, her concern palpable.

When a new person entered Riley's life, someone who lit up the room with a warmth akin to Y/n's, Love urged Riley to take a chance, to rewrite their story together.

"I think you should talk to them, Riley. You deserve to explore this," Y/n encouraged, her optimism shining bright.

Anxiety, ever vigilant, voiced concerns about heartbreak and upheaval, fearing the unknown that lay beyond Riley's comfort zone.

"But Riley, remember what happened last time? We can't risk getting hurt again," Anxiety cautioned, her voice tinged with worry.

As Riley wrestled with conflicting emotions, Love and Anxiety debated fiercely within her. Love championed bravery and hope, urging Riley to seize happiness.

"You won't know unless you try, Riley. Imagine the possibilities!" Y/n insisted, her voice full of hope.

Anxiety countered with cautionary tales, urging restraint to protect against potential pain.

"I just don't want to see you hurt, Riley. We need to be careful," Anxiety persisted, her concern etched in every word.

Despite the turmoil, Riley couldn't ignore her heart's pull. Daydreams filled with possibilities of a shared future with this person fueled her desire to rewrite their stars.

In a decisive moment, Riley confronted her feelings. With Y/n's encouragement echoing in her thoughts, she took a deep breath and confessed her emotions.

"I... I really like you. I've been feeling this way for a while now," Riley admitted, her voice trembling with vulnerability.

It was a leap of faith, fueled by the belief that rewriting the stars meant embracing uncertainty.

The response exceeded Riley's hopes. The other person reciprocated her feelings, and together they embarked on a journey of connection.

"I like you too, Riley. I've been hoping you'd say something," they confessed, their smile mirroring Y/n's warmth.

Y/n reveled in their blossoming relationship, while Anxiety, though cautious, began to see new possibilities.

As Riley and her love navigated life's challenges, Y/n and Anxiety coexisted in her mind. They learned that rewriting the stars wasn't about erasing obstacles, but embracing the journey with courage and hope.

In time, Y/n and Anxiety found a delicate balance, understanding their roles in guiding Riley through life's twists.

"You know, maybe taking that chance wasn't so bad after all," Y/n mused happily.

"Yeah, maybe... I suppose it's all part of growing, isn't it?" Anxiety admitted softly, her tone reflecting newfound acceptance.

Together, they helped Riley rewrite her stars, not by avoiding difficulties, but by confronting them with unwavering belief in the power of love.

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