Premature birth ¡ Raya [Raya and the last dragon]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Raya had always been known for her unwavering strength and wisdom, but she faced one of her most challenging moments when she received a frantic call from Y/n, her closest friend, in the middle of the night. Y/n's voice trembled as she explained that she was going into premature labor and needed Raya's help.

Without a moment's hesitation, Raya rushed to Y/n's side at the hospital. As she entered the room, she saw the worry etched on Y/n's face, and her heart went out to her friend. "Y/n, I'm here. We'll get through this together." Raya reassured her, taking Y/n's hand in hers.

As the medical team sprang into action, Raya remained by Y/n's side, offering words of encouragement and comfort during the intense labor pains. "You're doing great, Y/n. Just breathe and focus on each moment." Raya whispered soothingly. After what felt like an eternity, the cries of a tiny newborn filled the room. The baby was born prematurely, fragile and delicate. Raya watched as the medical team worked tirelessly to stabilize the newborn, her heart heavy with concern for both Y/n and the tiny life fighting for survival. As Y/n lay exhausted but hopeful, Raya stayed by her side, providing unwavering support. "You've been so strong, Y/n. Your baby is a fighter just like you." Raya said softly, offering a reassuring smile.

In the days that followed, Raya became Y/n's pillar of strength as they navigated the uncertainties of caring for a premature baby. She spent countless hours at the hospital, comforting Y/n during moments of doubt and fear while offering practical assistance wherever she could.

During one particularly challenging night, as they sat by the incubator watching over the baby, Y/n's voice quivered with emotion. "I don't know if I can do this, Raya. It's so hard to see our baby struggle like this."

Raya wrapped her arm around Y/n's shoulders and spoke with unwavering determination. "We can do this together, Y/n. You are not alone in this journey. We'll take it one day at a time, and we'll celebrate every small victory along the way." Their bond grew stronger as they faced each obstacle together, sharing tears and laughter through the rollercoaster of emotions that came with caring for a premature baby. After weeks of tireless care and unwavering hope, the day finally arrived when they could bring their little one home from the hospital. As they walked out into the sunlight with their precious bundle in their arms, tears of joy streamed down their faces.

Raya embraced Y/n tightly, her eyes glistening with pride and love. "We did it, Y/n. You've shown incredible strength through it all," Raya said with admiration in her voice.

Y/n looked at Raya with gratitude shining in her eyes. "I couldn't have done it without you by my side every step of the way." she said, her voice filled with emotion.

In that moment, Raya realized that their shared journey had forged an unbreakable bond between them—one born out of love, resilience, and unwavering support.

As they returned home with their precious baby, Raya knew that she would always be there for Y/n and their little one—ready to offer guidance, wisdom, and unwavering friendship through every joyous moment and every challenge that lay ahead.

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