Gynecologist ¡ Red [Descendants : The Rise of Red]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n sat at the edge of their bed, a concerned look etched on her face as she watched Red pace back and forth in their small bedroom. It had been a week since Y/n gently broached the subject, and every attempt to bring it up again only seemed to agitate Red further.

"Red, please," Y/n said softly, standing up and walking over to where Red was anxiously tapping her fingers on the dresser. "I know you're worried, but avoiding it won't make it go away."

Red stopped pacing and turned to face Y/n, her expression a mix of frustration and vulnerability. "I just don't see why I need to go. Nothing's wrong, and I hate doctors."

Y/n reached out and took Red's hands in hers, trying to convey her sincerity through touch. "I understand that you're scared, but this isn't just about now. It's about taking care of yourself in the long run. What if there's something minor that can be fixed easily now but could turn into something worse later?"

Red looked away, chewing on her lip as she processed Y/n's words. "I just... I don't know how to deal with all this," she finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Y/n pulled Red into a comforting embrace, holding her close. "You don't have to deal with it alone, Red. I'm here for you, every step of the way."

Red nodded slightly, her arms wrapping around Y/n in return. "Okay," she murmured after a moment. "Okay, I'll think about it."

Y/n smiled softly, relieved that Red was at least considering it. "That's all I'm asking. We can go together, if that would make it easier for you."

Red pulled back slightly to look into Y/n's eyes, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Yeah, okay. I think I'd like that."

Over the next few days, Y/n helped Red research gynecologists in the area and made an appointment for a consultation. On the day of the appointment, Y/n held Red's hand as they sat in the waiting room, offering quiet reassurances whenever Red looked nervous.

When the doctor finally called Red's name, Y/n squeezed her hand one last time before letting her go. As Red disappeared through the door, Y/n took a deep breath, feeling proud of Red for facing her fears.

After what seemed like an eternity, Red emerged from the examination room, her expression a mixture of relief and gratitude. Y/n rushed over and enveloped her in a tight hug, tears stinging her eyes.

"I'm proud of you, Red," Y/n whispered, pressing a kiss to Red's temple.

Red smiled up at Y/n, her eyes shining with emotion. "Thank you for pushing me, even when I fought you every step of the way."

Y/n brushed a stray tear from Red's cheek, smiling back lovingly. "You're worth fighting for, Red. Always."

As they walked out of the clinic hand in hand, Y/n knew that no matter what challenges they faced in the future, they would face them together.

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