Valentine Day ¡ Charlie [Hazbin hotel]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

It was a crisp February morning, and Y/n couldn't contain her excitement as she prepared for a special Valentine's Day with her girlfriend, Charlie. The Happy Hotel was adorned with heart-shaped decorations, and the air was filled with an aura of love and anticipation.

Y/n carefully placed a bouquet of vibrant red roses on the table, knowing Charlie's fondness for the classic symbol of love. As she added the finishing touches, the sound of footsteps approached from behind. Y/n turned around to see Charlie entering the room, her eyes sparkling with joy.

"Happy Valentine's Day, my love." Charlie beamed as she embraced Y/n in a warm hug.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Charlie." Y/n replied, returning the embrace with equal affection. "I have something special planned for us today."

The couple spent the morning exchanging heartfelt gifts and sharing tender moments. Charlie presented Y/n with a handmade scrapbook filled with cherished memories of their time together, while Y/n surprised Charlie with a locket inscribed with a meaningful message. As they sat down for a romantic breakfast, the conversation flowed effortlessly between them. They reminisced about their first date at the Hazbin Hotel and shared laughter over endearing anecdotes from their relationship. After breakfast, Y/n suggested taking a leisurely stroll through the bustling streets of Hell. The vibrant energy of the city was contagious, and they reveled in each other's company as they explored eclectic shops and charming cafes. As evening approached, they returned to the Happy Hotel, where a delightful surprise awaited them. The lobby had been transformed into a captivating dance floor adorned with twinkling lights and elegant decorations. "Charlie, will you share this dance with me?" Y/n asked, extending her hand to Charlie as soft music filled the air.

With grace and tenderness, they swayed to the music, lost in each other's embrace. Their hearts beat in unison as they reveled in the magic of the moment. "You make every day feel like Valentine's Day." Charlie whispered, her eyes shimmering with affection.

Y/n smiled warmly. "And you make every moment unforgettable." As the night drew to a close, they retreated to their private quarters at the Happy Hotel. In the soft glow of candlelight, they exchanged promises of love and devotion, reaffirming their bond in heartfelt words that lingered in the air like poetry.

As they settled into each other's arms, contentment washed over them. With whispers of love and laughter lingering in their hearts, Y/n and Charlie drifted into dreams filled with visions of a future brimming with endless love and cherished memories.

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