Embrace the heartbreak ¡ Pomni [The amazing digital circus]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Pomni, an anxious, cautious, and mentally fragile woman, had been a part of the circus for as long as she could remember. She longed to escape from the confines of the circus and go back to her life.

Y/n, a cheerful and outgoing performer at the circus, noticed Pomni's struggles and decided to help her embrace her cringe. One sunny afternoon, Y/n approached Pomni as she sat alone in the corner of the circus tent. "Hey, Pomni! I've noticed that you've been feeling down lately. Is everything okay?"

Pomni looked up with a hesitant expression, unsure of how to respond. "I... I just feel like I don't belong here. I know you don't like it either, but I can't stand staying in this strange place anymore."

"I understand how you feel, we'll find a way to go away from here! Embracing your cringe is part of what makes you unique, still you're here enjoy this play. Let's work on a performance together and show everyone!" Pomni hesitated at first but eventually agreed to Y/n's proposal. Over the following weeks, they spent countless hours practicing and refining their act. As the day of the performance approached, Pomni's anxiety grew stronger. "You've got this, Pomni! Remember, it's okay to feel cringy sometimes. It's all part of the process. Just be yourself and let your passion shine through." The day of the performance arrived, and Pomni stepped onto the stage with Y/n by her side while all their friends look except Jax who was with a whatever face. As they began to make everyone laugh, Pomni felt a rush of emotions overwhelming her. She closed her eyes and let herself be carried away by her clown side. As they finished their performance, the audience erupted into applause. Pomni couldn't believe it - she had faced her fears and embraced her cringe, and it had paid off.

After the show, Y/n approached Pomni with a smile. "See? Embracing your cringe wasn't so bad after all! You were amazing out there."

"Thank you so much, Y/n. I couldn't have done it without your support and encouragement."

From that day on, Pomni gained confidence in herself and her abilities. She continued to try find a way out of there but knowing that she have friends to count on while embracing all aspects of who she was - cringe and all.

And so, with Y/n's help and unwavering support, Pomni found the courage to break free from the confines of the circus and pursue her dreams with newfound confidence.

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