Spending Christmas together ¡ Ally [Amphibia]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n and Ally, once inseparable sisters, found themselves reminiscing about the Christmases of their childhood. "Remember when we used to stay up all night watching Christmas movies and baking cookies?" Y/n asked with a wistful smile.

Ally nodded, her eyes sparkling with nostalgia. "Those were the best times. I miss that."

Determined to recapture the magic of their childhood Christmases, Y/n and Ally made a pact to spend the upcoming holiday season together.

As December approached, Y/n and Ally excitedly made plans for their Christmas reunion. They decided to decorate the house with twinkling lights, set up a cozy movie marathon corner, and bake all their favorite holiday treats.

On Christmas Eve, Y/n arrived at Ally's doorstep with a basket full of festive goodies. "Merry Christmas!" she exclaimed, enveloping her sister in a warm hug.

Ally beamed with joy as she welcomed Y/n inside. The two sisters spent the evening catching up, exchanging stories, and laughing like they used to.

As they sat by the fireplace, sipping hot cocoa, Y/n turned to Ally with a smile. "I'm so glad we decided to do this. It feels like old times."

Ally nodded, her eyes misty with emotion. "Me too. It's like we never stopped."

Throughout the holiday season, Y/n and Ally cherished every moment of their Christmas reunion. They sang carols, played board games, and created new memories that would last a lifetime.

As they hugged each other goodbye on New Year's Day, Y/n and Ally knew that their Christmas reunion had reignited a cherished tradition—one that would continue for many years to come.

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