Kissing in bed ¡ Moana [Moana 2]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over Y/n's face as she lay nestled in bed, her eyes barely open. She felt warm and content, wrapped in the comforting embrace of Moana's arms. Moana, with her tousled hair and sleepy smile, leaned in and kissed Y/n's forehead gently.

Y/n sighed happily, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on Moana's back. "Can we just stay here all day?" she murmured, her voice still heavy with sleep.

Moana chuckled softly, the sound rumbling against Y/n's chest. "I wish we could, babe, but we both have work today," she replied regretfully, pressing another kiss to Y/n's temple.

Y/n pouted playfully, pulling Moana closer. "Just a few more minutes then?" she pleaded, her lips curling into a mischievous grin.

Moana laughed, unable to resist Y/n's charm. "Alright, a few more minutes," she agreed, her voice tinged with affection. She leaned down to capture Y/n's lips in a lingering kiss, their breaths mingling as they melted into each other.

As they kissed, time seemed to slow down, the world outside their bedroom fading away. Y/n deepened the kiss, her hands sliding up to tangle in Moana's hair, pulling her closer. Moana responded eagerly, her fingers tracing gentle circles on Y/n's waist.

Eventually, they pulled apart, both breathless and smiling. Moana rested her forehead against Y/n's, their noses brushing lightly. "You're so irresistible," she whispered, her voice filled with love.

Y/n grinned, her heart swelling with affection. "And you're my favorite distraction," she teased, pressing another quick kiss to Moana's lips.

They lay there for a while longer, basking in the warmth of each other's presence, sharing soft whispers and stolen kisses. Eventually, the responsibilities of the day beckoned, and they reluctantly untangled themselves from each other's embrace.

As they got ready for the day ahead, Y/n couldn't help but think about the moments they had shared in bed – the closeness, the intimacy, and the simple joy of being with Moana. She knew that no matter how busy their lives got, they would always find time for moments like these, where their love could flourish freely.

And as they parted ways for work, Y/n carried with her the lingering warmth of Moana's kisses, a reminder that love, in its simplest form, could be found in the quiet moments spent together, just being.

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