Two rainbows ¡ Lucas Lee [Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n and Lucas had always been fascinated by the beauty of nature, and their love for adventure often led them to explore the enchanting landscapes that surrounded their town. On a particularly rainy afternoon, they decided to embark on a nature walk despite the drizzle.

As they strolled through the glistening forest, the rain gradually subsided, leaving behind a fresh, earthy scent in the air. Y/n and Lucas reveled in the tranquility of the post-rain atmosphere, feeling rejuvenated by the lush greenery and the gentle pitter-patter of raindrops from the leaves above.

Suddenly, as they emerged from the woods, they were greeted by a breathtaking sight. Two vivid rainbows arched across the sky, their colors vibrant against the backdrop of fluffy white clouds. Y/n and Lucas gasped in awe at the stunning spectacle before them. "Wow." Y/n exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with wonder. "I've never seen such vivid rainbows before!"

Lucas grinned, equally captivated by the magical display. "It's like something out of a fairytale." he remarked.

As they continued to gaze at the double rainbow, a sense of peace and joy washed over them. The world seemed to stand still as they marveled at the natural beauty that unfolded before their eyes.

"I feel like we're witnessing something truly special." Y/n murmured, her voice filled with reverence.

Lucas nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. It's moments like these that remind us of the magic all around us."

They stood there together, basking in the radiance of the rainbows as if time had paused just for them. The colors seemed to dance and shimmer, casting a spell of serenity over the world.

After a while, as the sun peeked through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Y/n turned to Lucas with a smile. "I'm so glad we decided to go for a walk today. This is a memory I'll treasure forever."

Lucas took her hand and squeezed it gently. "Me too." he replied softly. "Moments like this are meant to be shared with someone special." As they made their way back home, their hearts were full of gratitude for the unexpected gift nature had bestowed upon them that day—the sight of two radiant rainbows stretching across the sky after a refreshing rainfall.

From that day on, whenever they faced challenges or needed a reminder of hope and beauty, Y/n and Lucas would fondly recall their encounter with those magnificent rainbows and find solace in the enduring magic of nature.

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