The declaration ¡ Nimona [Nimona]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Amidst the enchanting backdrop of a futuristic city, Y/n found herself wandering through the lush gardens of the royal palace, her heart brimming with an array of emotions. As she strolled along the winding paths, she couldn't shake the overwhelming desire to express her deepest feelings to Nimona, the playful shapeshifter who had captured her heart.

Spotting Nimona perched atop a blossoming cherry blossom tree, Y/n summoned her courage and approached with determined steps. "Nimona." She called out softly, causing the shapeshifter to turn and greet her with a warm smile. "Nimona, there's something I need to tell you." Y/n began, her voice tinged with a mix of nervousness and affection. "I don't know what the future holds, but I want you to be a part of it. You've brought so much joy and wonder into my life, and I can't imagine it without you by my side."

Nimona regarded Y/n with attentive eyes, sensing the sincerity and vulnerability in her words. "Y/n, you've always brought light into my world as well." Nimona responded, her voice gentle and earnest. "To know that you want me in your future means more than you can imagine."

As their eyes locked in a profound moment of understanding, Y/n took a deep breath and mustered all her courage. "Nimona, I want you to be my girlfriend." She declared, her heart racing with anticipation.

A radiant smile graced Nimona's lips as she reached out to gently cup Y/n's cheek. "I'd be honored to be by your side." She murmured.

In that tender moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and their blossoming emotions, Y/n leaned in and pressed her lips against Nimona's in a sweet and heartfelt kiss. Time seemed to stand still as they embraced each other's love, their bond growing stronger with each passing second.

From that day on, Y/n and Nimona embarked on a new chapter of their lives together, their love weaving a tale as magical and captivating as the kingdom itself. In each other's arms, they found solace, joy, and an unwavering connection that would endure through every twist and turn that fate had in store for them.

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