Giving each other gifts ¡ Mickey [Mickey saves christmas]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n say excitedly. "Mickey, I have a special gift for you!"

"Oh, really? What is it, Y/n?"

Y/n hand over a beautifully wrapped box. "Open it and see!"

Mickey unwraps the box and finds a new watch. Wow, Y/n! This is amazing! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, Mickey. I know how much you love watches, so I thought this would be perfect for you."

"It's perfect indeed. Now, it's my turn to give you a gift."

"Ooh, I can't wait to see what you got me!"

Mickey hands over a small jewelry box. "Open it."

Y/n opens the box and finds a beautiful necklace. "Mickey, this is stunning! I love it!"

"I'm glad you like it, Y/n. I wanted to get you something special to show how much you mean to me."

"You always know how to make me feel loved. Thank you, Mickey."

"You deserve all the love and happiness in the world, Y/n. I'm grateful to have you in my life."

"And I'm grateful to have you too, Mickey." Y/n wanted to cry. "These gifts symbolize our love and how much we care for each other."

"Absolutely. Let's treasure these gifts and continue making beautiful memories together."

"Agreed. Cheers to many more years of love and happiness!"

"Cheers, my love. I'm excited for our future together."

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