Falling in love ¡ Amity [The owl house]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Once upon a time in the mystical world of the Boiling Isles, there was a young human named Y/n who found themselves drawn to the enchanting library of Hexside School. Y/n had always been fascinated by the magical tomes and ancient scrolls that filled the shelves, and it was here that they first laid eyes on Amity Blight, the brilliant and captivating witch with emerald green hair.

One quiet afternoon, as Y/n was engrossed in a particularly intriguing book about magical creatures, they heard a soft voice behind them. "That's an interesting choice of reading material." said Amity with a playful smile. Startled, Y/n turned around to see Amity standing there, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Um, hi." Y/n stammered, feeling their cheeks flush with embarrassment. "I... I didn't realize anyone else was here."

Amity chuckled softly. "It's okay. I come here to escape the chaos of school sometimes. I'm Amity, by the way."

"I'm Y/n." they replied, feeling a flutter of nervous excitement in their chest. Over time, Y/n and Amity began to strike up conversations in the library, bonding over their shared love for magical literature and discussing everything from potion-making to ancient spells.

As they spent more time together, Y/n found themselves falling for Amity's intelligence, wit, and kind heart. One day, as they sat together amidst the towering bookshelves, Y/n mustered up the courage to speak from their heart.

"Amity, there's something I've been wanting to tell you." Y/n said nervously.

Amity looked at them with gentle curiosity. "What is it?"

"I... I think I've fallen for you," Y/n confessed, their voice trembling with emotion.

Amity's emerald eyes widened in surprise before a soft smile graced her lips. "Y/n, I... I think I feel the same way." she admitted shyly.

From that moment on, their bond grew stronger as they embarked on magical adventures together, discovering love and friendship amidst the wondrous stories within the library of the Boiling Isles.

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