Advising my son ¡ Elio [Elio]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a boy named Elio. Elio was a curious and energetic boy, always eager to explore the world around him. His father, Y/n, was a wise and gentle man who taught his son valuable life lessons.

One beautiful day, as they walked through the green fields, Y/n looked into Elio's eyes and said. "Son, remember that life is not a competition with others. You don't need to be better than anyone else. All that matters is that you run your own race."

Elio looked at his father with curiosity. "But why shouldn't I try to be the best, dad? Isn't that what everyone does?"

Y/n smiled and replied, "Being the best is relative, my son. What truly matters is being the best you can be. Instead of competing with others, focus on surpassing yourself every day. Run your own race and stay true to who you are."

With these wise words in mind, Elio embarked on a journey of self-discovery and growth. He learned to value his own unique abilities and talents instead of comparing himself to others. Along the way, he encountered challenges and obstacles but always remembered his father's words.

As Elio grew and strengthened, he shared Y/n's lessons with his friends and peers. Together, they discovered the power of authenticity and self-acceptance.

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