Maybe she's more than just a friend ¡ Adrien [Miraculous]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n was in the kitchen preparing a special batch of cookies to share with friends. She had heard that Adrien, her secret crush, loved cookies, and she wanted to find a subtle way to show her interest. As the cookies baked, she thought about how to approach the situation.

When the cookies were finally ready, Y/n took one of them and went over to Adrien, who was chatting with his kwami Plagg.

She handed the cookie to him and said. "Hey, Adrien, I made these cookies and thought you might like them."

Adrien took the cookie and took a bite. "Wow, this is amazing! Thank you, Y/n." He smiled as he savored the sweet treat.

Plagg, Adrien's kwami, looked at Y/n and said. "You know, Adrien, I think this girl likes you."

Adrien laughed and replied. "Oh, Plagg, Y/n is just a friend."

Meanwhile, Y/n blushed slightly upon hearing the conversation. She turned to leave, but before she could go, Adrien called out to her. "Wait, Y/n. I wanted to say... thank you for the cookie. And I really appreciate our friendship."

As Y/n looked into Adrien's eyes, she noticed something different in the way he looked at her. Maybe Plagg had been right all along.

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