Stronger ¡ Auggie [Wonder]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Auggie sat by the window, gazing out at the world beyond. His thoughts were filled with the challenges of being different, but he always reminded himself of his mother's words: "You are a wonder, Auggie. Remember to always be yourself."

Meanwhile, Y/n, Auggie's father, was lost in thought as he sat at his desk. The pressures of work and life had taken their toll, and he struggled to find solace in the chaos. Auggie noticed his father's distant gaze and approached him quietly.

"Dad." Auggie said softly. "You seem lost in thought. Is everything okay?"

Y/n looked up and forced a smile. "I'm fine, Auggie. Just dealing with some work stress."

Auggie understood the weight behind his father's words. He had seen Y/n struggle with the expectations of others and the pressure to fit in. With a gentle hand on his father's shoulder, Auggie said. "Dad, remember what you always tell me? 'You can't blend in when you were born to stand out.' You've always taught me to embrace who I am and not be like everyone else."

Y/n looked at Auggie with a mix of surprise and gratitude. "You're right, Auggie. Thank you for reminding me of my own words. I shouldn't forget them myself."

As they sat together, Auggie shared stories of his own experiences and how he found strength in being true to himself. He spoke of the friends he made who accepted him for who he was and the joy he found in being uniquely Auggie.

Inspired by his son's wisdom, Y/n reflected on his own journey and realized that he too needed to embrace his individuality and find strength in being true to himself.

From that day on, Auggie and Y/n supported each other in their quest to stay true to themselves. They reminded each other that being different was something to celebrate and that they were both wonders in their own way.

Their bond grew stronger as they navigated life's challenges together, always remembering that it was okay not to be like everyone else.

𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 𝑻𝒗 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒘𝒔Where stories live. Discover now