Studying together ¡ Adrien [Miraculous]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n and Adrien had been friends for years, and they shared a strong bond that extended beyond their everyday interactions. As the school year ramped up and exams loomed on the horizon, Adrien found himself struggling to keep up with his studies. Sensing his distress, Y/n offered to help him with his schoolwork. "Hey Adrien," Y/n said with a warm smile. "I noticed that you've been feeling a bit overwhelmed with your studies. How about we study together for the upcoming exams?"

Adrien's eyes lit up with gratitude as he replied, "That would be amazing, Y/n! I could really use the help, especially with math and history." Over the next few weeks, Y/n and Adrien spent countless hours poring over textbooks and reviewing notes. Y/n patiently explained complex concepts to Adrien, who in turn listened attentively and asked insightful questions. Their study sessions were filled with laughter, shared snacks, and moments of quiet concentration. As the day of the exams arrived, Adrien felt more confident than ever, thanks to Y/n's unwavering support and guidance. When the results were announced, Adrien beamed with pride as he saw his improved grades. "Y/n, I couldn't have done it without you." Adrien said gratefully. "Thank you for believing in me and helping me through this."

Y/n smiled and hugged Adrien tightly. "You're welcome, Adrien. I'm always here for you, no matter what."

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