Suffering from homophobic bullying ¡ Cat Noir [Miraculous]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n hurried through the crowded school hallway, her head down and her steps quick. She felt the weight of the stares and whispers that followed her, a constant reminder of the homophobic bullying she had endured for weeks. As she reached her locker, a group of students blocked her way, taunting and jeering at her.

Bully 1 say. "Look who it is, the loser Y/n. What are you doing here? You don't belong in this school aberration."

Bully 2 say. "Yeah, why don't you just disappear? No one wants you around."

Y/n tried to ignore them, focusing on opening her locker and retrieving her books. Just then, a black figure leaped down from above, landing gracefully in front of Y/n. It was Cat Noir, the enigmatic hero known for his agility and charm. "Hey there, need a hand?" The bullies were taken aback by Cat Noir's sudden appearance, but they quickly regained their composure.

Bully 1 say. "What's it to you, cat guy? This doesn't concern you."

"Actually, it does. No one should be treated this way. Now why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

Bully 2 say. "You think you can stop us? We're not afraid of some costumed freak."

Cat Noir smirked beneath his mask and cracked his whip with a flourish. "Maybe you should be."

The bullies hesitated, unsure of how to respond to the masked hero standing before them. "Thank you, Cat Noir. But it's okay, I can handle it."

Cat Noir turned to Y/n with a reassuring smile. "No one should have to handle this alone. You're not alone in this, Y/n."

As Cat Noir stood by Y/n's side, the bullies backed off and disappeared into the crowd.

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