Chocolate cookies ¡ Andy [Ghostforce]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n spent the entire afternoon in the kitchen, carefully measuring ingredients and mixing batter to create the perfect batch of chocolate cookies for Andy. She knew how much he adored them, and she wanted to surprise him with a sweet treat.

As Andy arrived at Y/n's house, he was greeted by the warm, comforting aroma of freshly baked cookies. Y/n emerged from the kitchen with a mischievous smile, holding a plate piled high with chocolatey goodness.

"Hey Andy, I made something special for you." Y/n said, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I hope you'll love these as much as I loved making them for you."

Andy's face lit up with delight as he took a bite of the cookie. His eyes widened in surprise and pure joy as he savored the rich, decadent flavor. "These are amazing, Y/n!" Andy exclaimed between bites. "You really outdid yourself this time. I can taste the love you put into making these." Y/n blushed at his heartfelt praise, feeling overjoyed to see Andy enjoying her homemade treats. As they sat together, savoring the cookies and each other's company, Andy couldn't help but express his gratitude once more. "Thank you, Y/n." Andy said softly. "These cookies are not just delicious; they're a reminder of how much you care about me. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." Y/n beamed with happiness, knowing that her gesture had brought so much joy to Andy.

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