Having a connection again ¡ Mal [Descendants]

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Pov Mal

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Pov Mal

"Hey, Y/n, I've been thinking a lot about us lately."

Y/n looks anxious. "Oh, really? What's on your mind?"

"Well, I know things have been a bit complicated for both of us recently. But I want to take a step towards making things better between us. How about we go on a date?"

"A date? That sounds... unexpected. But I'm open to it. What did you have in mind?"

"I've been brainstorming some ideas, and I want to make it special for you. How about a romantic picnic at the park? We could enjoy some good food, talk, and just be together in a beautiful setting."

"That sounds lovely, Mal. I appreciate the effort you're putting into this. It's been a while since we've had a peaceful moment together."

I could help but smile. "I want this date to be a chance for us to reconnect, to remind each other of what brought us together in the first place. And I promise to make it memorable for you."

"I'm looking forward to it, Mal. Thank you for reaching out and suggesting this. It means a lot to me."

"Great! I'll take care of all the arrangements. I want this to be perfect for you. You deserve it."

My plans the romantic picnic date with Y/n, I put my heart into creating an atmosphere that allows us to rediscover the spark that first brought us together.

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