Our favorite child ¡ Wade [Elemental]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Wade and Y/n were a loving couple who had always dreamed of having children. When they finally welcomed their first child, a daughter named Emily, into their lives, they were overjoyed. As Emily grew, Wade and Y/n poured all their love and attention into her, cherishing every moment and milestone.

Years passed, and they were blessed with a son, Ethan. However, as they navigated the challenges of raising two children, they found themselves unintentionally favoring Emily over Ethan. They didn't realize it at first, but subtle differences in their interactions with the children began to emerge.

One evening, as Wade tucked Emily into bed, he noticed Ethan standing in the doorway, watching with a longing expression. "What's wrong, buddy?"

Ethan hesitated before speaking. "It feels like Emily is always the one you pay attention to. Do you love her more than me?"

Wade's heart sank as he realized the impact of their unintentional favoritism. "Oh, Ethan, no! We love you both equally. I'm so sorry if it seemed otherwise."

Y/n joined them in the room, sensing the tension. "Ethan, your dad and I love you and Emily with all our hearts. We never meant to make you feel less important."

The family sat down together and had an open conversation about their feelings. They decided to make a conscious effort to treat both children equally and show them the same amount of love and support.

In the following days, Wade and Y/n made sure to spend quality time with each child individually and together as a family. They celebrated Ethan's achievements as much as they did Emily's and made sure both children felt heard and valued.

One day, during a family picnic in the park, Emily approached Wade with a drawing she had made.

"Daddy, look at what I drew!"

Wade praised her artwork and proudly displayed it on the picnic blanket. Noticing this interaction, Y/n called Ethan over. "Ethan, come show us what you've been working on!" Ethan hesitated for a moment but then eagerly shared his own drawings with his parents. Wade and Y/n praised his creativity and hung his drawings next to Emily's.

As they enjoyed the picnic together, Wade and Y/n observed their children laughing and playing without any hint of jealousy or competition between them. It was a beautiful sight that filled their hearts with joy.

From that day forward, Wade and Y/n continued to nurture an environment of equality and love within their family. They learned that the heart's capacity for love is boundless and that each child deserved to be cherished in their own unique way.

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