Adolescence ¡ Riley [Inside out 2]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Riley sighed as she pulled another pair of jeans from her closet, only to find they were uncomfortably tight around her thighs. She tossed them onto the bed with a frustrated groan. "Seriously, I swear these fit like two weeks ago."

Y/n, sitting cross-legged on the bed with a book in hand, glanced up sympathetically. "Growing pains," she offered with a small smile. "It happens. Your body's just doing its thing."

"Yeah, but it's annoying," Riley replied, flopping down next to Y/n. She frowned at her reflection in the mirror on the opposite wall. "I feel like I'm suddenly outgrowing everything."

Y/n set her book aside and scooted closer to Riley, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Maybe it's time for a closet overhaul," she suggested gently. "We could go through your clothes together, see what still fits and what doesn't."

Riley nodded slowly, chewing on her bottom lip. "Okay," she agreed reluctantly. "But... I don't even know where to start."

Y/n grinned, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Leave that to me," she declared. "I've got this."

They spent the next hour going through Riley's wardrobe, pulling out shirts, skirts, and sweaters one by one. Y/n held up each item, asking Riley to try them on while offering her honest opinion.

"This one is definitely too short now," Y/n remarked as Riley emerged from the bathroom in a once-loved t-shirt that now barely reached her belly button.

Riley wrinkled her nose. "Yeah, you're right," she admitted reluctantly. "It used to be my favorite."

Y/n hugged her from behind, resting her chin on Riley's shoulder. "It's okay to outgrow things," she murmured. "It just means you're growing up."

Riley turned in Y/n's embrace, her expression softening. "Thanks for helping me with this," she said sincerely. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Y/n smiled warmly and kissed Riley on the forehead. "That's what girlfriends are for," she replied playfully. "Besides, we'll make sure your new wardrobe is even cooler than the old one."

By the time they finished, they had a sizable pile of clothes to donate and a clearer idea of what Riley needed. Y/n suggested they take a break and order pizza, and Riley eagerly agreed.

As they sat together on the couch, sharing slices and talking about everything except clothes, Riley felt a surge of gratitude for Y/n's unwavering support. Growing up might come with its challenges, but having Y/n by her side made it a whole lot easier.

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