Remember our past ¡ Fizz • Ozzie [Helluva Boss]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

"Fizz! Ozzie! It's been so long since I've seen you both dads!"

Fizz say rinning. "Y/n, my little warrior! Look how much you've grown!"

"Indeed, time flies. We've missed you, Y/n."

Y/n hug them tightly. "I've missed you too! Remember when I used to get into fights all the time?"

"Oh, how could we forget?" Fizz laugh. "You were always ready for a battle, defending yourself and others."

"Yes, you were quite the protector. We were always amazed by your courage."

"Well, I guess I inherited that from both of you. You've always taught me to stand up for what's right."

"That's our girl! We knew you had a strong spirit from the moment we adopted you." Fizz say.

"And we wanted to give you a loving home where you could thrive and be yourself."

"And you did just that. I'm so lucky to have two amazing fathers like you."

"We're the lucky ones, Y/n." Fizz smile. "You bring so much joy and excitement into our lives."

"Although we could do without the constant phone calls from your school about your fights."

"Hey, I was just defending myself and my friends!"

Fizz laugh. "We know, sweetheart. But maybe now that you're older, you can find other ways to channel your energy."

"Perhaps martial arts classes or joining a sports team?"

"That sounds like a great idea. I'll give it a try and see if it helps me unleash my fighting spirit in a more productive way."

"We're always here to support you, Y/n. Whatever path you choose, we'll be right by your side."

Ozzie say. "You're our daughter, and we love you unconditionally."

"I love you both too, Fizz and Ozzie. Thank you for being the best dads I could have ever asked for."

Fizz say embracing Y/n. "We wouldn't have it any other way. Now let's make more beautiful memories together."

"Agreed." Ozzie joins too. "Our family is stronger when we're together."

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