In each other's arms ¡ Caine [The amazing digital circus]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n and Caine had been friends for years, sharing laughter, adventures, and a deep connection that neither of them fully understood. One day, as they sat under the stars, Y/n looked at Caine with a glint of uncertainty in their eyes. "Hey Caine." Y/n began, their voice tinged with hesitation. "Do you ever feel like there's something more between us? Like maybe one day we'll discover that we're meant to be in each other's arms?"

Caine turned to look at Y/n, his usually vivacious eyes softening with contemplation. "You know, I've thought about that too." he admitted, a hint of vulnerability seeping into his words. "There's just something about our connection that feels different, like we're meant to be more than just friends."

As they sat in the quiet of the night, their conversation delved deeper into their feelings for each other, and they both realized that perhaps their friendship held the potential for something more profound.

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