They are dating ¡ Marc • Nathaniel [Miraculous]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n couldn't contain their excitement as they watched Marc and Nathaniel, two of their closest friends, finally embark on a romantic relationship. The trio had been friends for years, and Y/n had secretly hoped for this moment. They decided to plan a surprise celebration for the new couple to commemorate their love.

Y/n gathered their friends at a cozy restaurant, ensuring that every detail was perfect. The atmosphere was filled with joy and anticipation as they awaited the arrival of Marc and Nathaniel. When the couple entered the restaurant hand in hand, Y/n's heart swelled with happiness.

Y/n rushed to greet them, unable to hide their enthusiasm. "Congratulations, you two! I'm so thrilled for you." Y/n exclaimed, pulling both Marc and Nathaniel into a tight embrace.

Marc blushed, his eyes gleaming with happiness. "Thank you, Y/n. We couldn't have reached this point without your support and encouragement."

Nathaniel smiled warmly at Y/n. "You've always been our biggest cheerleader. We're grateful to have you in our lives."

The group settled at a beautifully decorated table adorned with flowers and candles. Laughter filled the air as they reminisced about shared memories and toasted to the newfound love between Marc and Nathaniel. Over dinner, Y/n couldn't help but ask about the beginning of their relationship. "So, how did it all start? Tell me everything!" Y/n eagerly inquired.

Marc chuckled, stealing a loving glance at Nathaniel. "It all began with a spontaneous coffee date. We had always been close friends, but that day something shifted between us."

Nathaniel nodded, his eyes locked with Marc's. "We realized there was something more than friendship between us. It felt like we were meant to be together." Y/n listened intently, captivated by their love story unfolding before them. The couple continued to share anecdotes, their faces glowing with happiness and affection.

As the night wore on, Y/n proposed a toast. "To Marc and Nathaniel, may your love grow stronger with each passing day. Here's to a lifetime of happiness together!"

The entire group raised their glasses, clinking them together in celebration. The room filled with cheers and well wishes for the couple's future. Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment as they witnessed the love between Marc and Nathaniel blossoming. Seeing their friends find happiness ignited hope in Y/n's heart, reminding them that true love was indeed possible.

Throughout the evening, Y/n exchanged knowing glances with Marc and Nathaniel, silently expressing gratitude for their friendship and the joy they had brought into each other's lives.

As the night came to an end, Y/n hugged Marc and Nathaniel tightly, whispering words of congratulations once again. "I'm so glad you found each other. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

Marc smiled warmly, his eyes sparkling. "And we're grateful to have you by our side, Y/n. Your support means everything to us."

Nathaniel nodded in agreement. "You're not just a friend; you're family to us."

With hearts full of love and gratitude, the trio bid farewell to their friends, cherishing the memories of this special celebration.

Y/n walked away from the night feeling content, knowing that they had played a small role in bringing Marc and Nathaniel together. It was a reminder that love could be found in unexpected places and that true happiness could be discovered when least expected.

From that day forward, Y/n continued to witness the beautiful journey of Marc and Nathaniel's relationship, grateful for the love they shared and inspired by their unwavering bond.

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