A only-sex relationship ¡ Asha [Wish]

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She puts down the paddle and removes the gag, ending our game on the bed. "Thank you very much." She carries me naked bride style and puts me in the bathtub, adds some hot water but not too much and gives me a light bath.

When she finished, she dried me carefully, taking care of the small wound on my pussy... She was a little sleepy so she didn't eat much of the food that I had to heat up.

She couldn't go home like that.

We go to my room together and I lay her down there, I pack all the sex toys and put hers in her backpack, organizing the room. I turn off the lamps in the house and lie down on the bed next to her with the moonlight illuminating us both a little.

"Y/n." She mutters softly.

I look her. "Hey?"

"You are so important in my life, I never imagined meeting someone as perfect as you... I love you!"

I could say everything I had in my heart, tell her that I loved her too and that I want more than a sex-only relationship, I want to be her girlfriend. But she let her sleep speak, not her feelings, so she's just saying this to thank me.

She doesn't love me, she just wants someone to give orders!

That was the only justification I could think of for her saying that. I kiss her forehead. "Sleep well Asha." She closes her eyes, never remembers when she says that nonsense the next day. We slept cuddling with me already thinking about making a date tomorrow.

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