Little steps, big love ¡ Vaggie [Hazbin hotel]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

A cozy living room, with colorful toys scattered around. Vaggie and Y/n are sitting on the couch, smiling at each other. "Love, I think she's about to take her first steps!"

Y/n say with a proud smile. "Really? Come here, my little one! Let's see you walk!" Their little girl, dressed in an adorable onesie, looks determined as she wobbles on her feet and takes her first steps.

"Look at that! She's coming to us!" Vaggie was almost crying.

"That's right, my love! Come here, we'll catch you!"

The little girl giggles and takes a few more steps, her eyes fixed on her parents. "She's walking because of the love she has for us."

"Yes, she loves us so much. We're here, my little angel!" The little girl reaches Vaggie and Y/n and wraps her tiny arms around their legs.

Vaggie embrace her daughter. "We love you so much, my sweet. You're amazing!"

Y/n say lifting her up. "Congratulations, dear! We're so proud of you!" The family shares a heartwarming group hug as they celebrate this special moment.

"This is the beginning of a wonderful journey."

Y/n gently kissing their daughter's forehead. "Yes, and we'll be here every step of the way." The little girl giggles and claps her hands in delight as she basks in the love of her parents.

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