Spoiling you ¡ Jax [The amazing digital circus]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n knew Jax was unlike anyone they had ever dated. His mischievous grin and laid-back attitude always kept life interesting, even if his occasional bloodthirsty remarks could be unsettling. Despite his brazenly condescending demeanor, Y/n saw a softer side to him when they were alone together.

One sunny afternoon, Y/n decided to surprise Jax with a day dedicated solely to him. They knew how much he loved the thrill of adventure, so they planned a spontaneous road trip to a nearby town known for its quaint shops and scenic views.

As they drove, Jax couldn't hide his curiosity, peppering Y/n with questions about their destination. Y/n simply smiled mysteriously and urged him to be patient. When they finally arrived, Jax's eyes lit up at the sight of the bustling streets lined with unique boutiques and charming cafes.

Their first stop was a local bookstore where Y/n knew Jax had been eyeing a special edition of his favorite fantasy novel series. Seeing the book on the shelf, Jax's grin widened as Y/n handed it to him. "You remembered," he murmured, genuinely touched.

Next, they wandered through a farmer's market, sampling homemade treats and browsing handmade crafts. Y/n teased Jax about his taste for spicy foods, daring him to try a notoriously hot chili sauce. Despite his initial bravado, Jax's face turned bright red, eliciting laughter from Y/n and nearby vendors.

Later, they stumbled upon an arcade, where Jax's competitive streak emerged as he challenged Y/n to various games. Y/n playfully let him win a few rounds, enjoying the spark of excitement in his eyes with each victory.

As the day drew to a close, they found themselves on a quiet beach, watching the sunset over the horizon. Y/n leaned against Jax, feeling the warmth of his presence and the softening of his usually guarded demeanor. They exchanged quiet words, sharing hopes and dreams for the future.

Before heading home, Y/n surprised Jax with a small token—a handmade bracelet adorned with a charm symbolizing their adventures together. Jax, typically reserved with displays of affection, pulled Y/n into a tight hug, whispering his gratitude.

That night, as they curled up together, Y/n couldn't help but marvel at how their day had unfolded. Despite Jax's outward bravado and occasional arrogance, they knew that underneath it all, he cherished these moments of genuine connection and care.

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