I'm in love ¡ Red [Descendants : The Rise of Red]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Red navigated the bustling streets of Auradon with an air of confident rebellion. She was known for her sharp wit and artistic talents, which often landed her in unexpected adventures. One sunny afternoon, while sketching by the enchanted lake, Red noticed Y/n from afar. Y/n, the daughter of Mal and Ben, exuded a quiet grace that intrigued Red instantly.

Their first conversation was sparked by a shared curiosity about a rare flower blooming nearby. Red, always eager to impress with her knowledge of botany, launched into an animated explanation. Y/n listened attentively, her eyes lighting up with genuine interest. 

As days turned into weeks, their encounters grew more frequent. They bonded over midnight strolls through Auradon's enchanted gardens, where Red would recite rebellious poetry and Y/n would laugh, charmed by her mischievous spirit.

However, their burgeoning romance was not without challenges. Red's rebellious nature often clashed with Y/n's desire for stability, causing tension between them. They argued passionately about the responsibilities of royalty and the freedom to pursue their dreams.

One evening, under the twinkling stars of Auradon's sky, Y/n confronted Red about her reckless behavior. "You're always pushing boundaries, Red. Sometimes it feels like you don't care about anything but stirring up trouble."

Red looked away, her heart heavy with guilt. "I care about you," she whispered softly. "More than anything."

Y/n's expression softened, her hand reaching out to touch Red's cheek gently. "I know," she murmured. "But we have to find a balance. Between your wild spirit and my duty to our kingdom."

Their love deepened as they navigated the complexities of their relationship. They learned to compromise and support each other's ambitions. Red surprised Y/n with secret sketches of their favorite places, while Y/n wrote heartfelt letters expressing her love.

In the end, their bond transcended the challenges they faced. They stood together, hand in hand, ready to carve out their own destiny in a world where love, loyalty, and the courage to defy expectations reigned supreme.

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