Addicted ¡ Anxiety [Inside out 2]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n had always been a wild child, living life on her own terms and never saying no to a good time. But beneath the surface, she was struggling. The highs were getting higher, but the lows were getting lower. She was trapped in a cycle of addiction, using substances to escape the pain and emptiness that seemed to follow her everywhere.

Her girlfriend, Anxiety, was always there to "help" her cope. Anxiety was a master manipulator, whispering sweet nothings in Y/n's ear and convincing her that she needed just one more hit, one more drink, one more thrill to feel alive. And Y/n, desperate to escape the darkness that haunted her, would give in.

One night, Y/n found herself in a hotel room, surrounded by the remnants of a wild party. She was alone, except for Anxiety, who was perched on the edge of the bed, watching her with cold, calculating eyes.

"Come on, baby," Anxiety whispered, her voice like silk. "Just one more time. You deserve it. You've had a long day."

Y/n looked up at Anxiety, her eyes glassy and unfocused. "I don't know, Anxiety," she slurred. "I'm tired of this. I'm tired of feeling like I'm drowning all the time."

Anxiety laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "You're not drowning, baby. You're flying. You're living life on the edge, and it's exhilarating. Don't you feel alive?"

Y/n hesitated, her resolve weakening. "I...I guess so," she said finally.

Anxiety smiled, her eyes glinting with triumph. "That's my girl," she said, handing Y/n a drink. "Now, let's party."

But as the night wore on, Y/n began to feel the familiar crash coming on. The highs were wearing off, and the lows were creeping back in. She looked at Anxiety, and for the first time, she saw her for what she truly was - a toxic force that was destroying her life.

"Anxiety, stop," Y/n said, her voice shaking. "I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to feel like this anymore."

Anxiety's face twisted with anger. "What are you talking about, baby?" she spat. "You're just being dramatic. You're just being weak."

Y/n stood up, her legs shaking with determination. "No, Anxiety," she said. "I'm not being weak. I'm being strong. I'm taking back control of my life."

Anxiety sneered at her. "You'll never be happy without me, Y/n. You'll never feel alive without the rush."

Y/n looked at her, a fierce determination burning in her eyes. "I'd rather be unhappy and alive than happy and dead," she said. "I'm leaving, Anxiety. I'm leaving you and this toxic cycle behind."

With that, Y/n turned and walked out of the hotel room, leaving Anxiety's angry screams and bitter curses behind. She stumbled out into the bright lights of the city, and began to walk. She walked for hours, the cool night air clearing her head and cleansing her soul.

As the sun began to rise, Y/n realized that she was finally free. She was free from the cycle of addiction, free from Anxiety's grasp. She was finally able to see the world for what it was - a beautiful, messy, complicated place.

And as she walked, Y/n knew that she would never go back. She would never again surrender to the darkness that had haunted her for so long. She was finally ready to face her demons, to confront the pain and the shame that had driven her to addiction.

Y/n was finally ready to start living.

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