Poison ¡ Anxiety [Inside out 2]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n was knee-deep in the nightlife scene, soaking in the neon lights and the pulsating beats that seemed to fuel her existence. She strutted through parties like they were her stage, but behind closed doors, her life was a mess—a tangled web spun by her toxic partner.

Enter Anxiety, her best friend who had seen her highs and lows, but never like this. He'd had enough of watching Y/n spiral downward, drowning in the poison of her relationship. So, one wild night at a lavish bash, he decided enough was enough.

Anxiety caught Y/n alone by the bar, a drink in hand and a distant look in her eyes. "Y/n," he started, his voice firm, "we need to talk."

Y/n turned to him, a mix of surprise and annoyance flickering in her gaze. "What's up, Anxiety? Can't you see I'm having fun?"

"Fun? Is that what you call this?" Anxiety retorted, gesturing around at the superficial glamour of the party. "You're drowning yourself in his lies and toxic bullshit, and you call that fun?"

Y/n's face hardened. "Watch your mouth, Anxiety. You don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, really? So, it's not toxic that he's got you hooked on his poison, feeding you lies like they're gospel truth?" Anxiety shot back, his frustration boiling over.

"He loves me, okay? He just has a different way of showing it," Y/n defended, her voice wavering slightly.

Anxiety shook his head, stepping closer. "Open your damn eyes, Y/n! He's using you. You're addicted to this chaos, and it's killing you."

Y/n looked away, her fingers tightening around her glass. "I can handle it, okay? I know what I'm doing."

"You think this is handling it?" Anxiety challenged, his voice softer now but no less intense. "Look at yourself. Is this the life you really want?"

Silence hung heavy between them, the music thumping in the background. Y/n struggled with conflicting emotions, the truth sinking in like a bitter pill.

"I... I don't know," she finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Anxiety sighed, his features softening. "Y/n, I'm here for you. You don't have to go through this alone."

She met his gaze, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm scared, Anxiety. What if I can't leave him?"

"You're stronger than you think," Anxiety assured her gently, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "We'll figure this out together."

And so began their journey—a tumultuous path of self-discovery and healing. Y/n leaned on Anxiety as she untangled herself from the toxic web of her relationship, navigating through heartbreak and moments of weakness.

With every step forward, Anxiety was there with a swear-laden pep talk or a blunt reality check, pushing Y/n to confront her demons and reclaim her life. Their dialogues became a lifeline, filled with raw emotions and tough love, but always grounded in unwavering support.

As Y/n broke free from her past, she found a newfound strength and resilience, fueled by the fierce friendship with Anxiety. Together, they faced the challenges head-on, swearing, shouting, and laughing through the ups and downs.

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