Chapter 1

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                              **Camillo Moretti**

I scrowl in frustration as I stand up stretching, my muscles hurt all over from sitting down in one place and not being able to shift for thirteen hours and thirty five minutes being on a flight from Vancouver to Italy. I know the exact hour and minute because I time my flights sometimes I even count in my head. Finally home after being gone for business for two months. We wolves have to eat, don't let the books and movies fool you we aren't all living on compounds running around changing form, eating humans, mating and pissing on each other. We are in the real world where we work to eat, work to stay on top, and ahead of the game keeping our people and family well taken care of. We do have packs that we belong too, different ranks within our packs and duties that must be overseen. We also have Alpha's of the packs around the world we aren't and dont live like Amish people like some movies and books would have you to believe. Let's just think of us like your every day neighbors with a secret.

My deal to purchase the Fairmont Hotel Chain went through finally which took an entire year from starts to finish the longest it's ever taken a deal to finalize for Moretti Holdings. The owner tried to put certain stipulation in place with the sale not wanting the Fairmont Hotel to completely part from his family. He insisted that whoever purchased the hotel chain to agree to marrying his daughter and give his family a heir within the first year of marriage. His bloodline is dying out. None of his daughters are shifters like him and his bastard son, he nor no one else knows why since the curse of the moon and the sun it's been that way some have the powers to shift some don't. Just like some wolves have special healing abilities or other unique abilities but some or even most don't. I politely declined his offer not wanting my bloodline mixed with his but I still wanted his company it's in a perfect spot in downtown Vancouver to expand the Moretti Hotel Apartment Chain. When I refused his offer he went up on the asking price for the sale. He must've forgotten he needed me not the other way around his hotel chain is going under if he doesn't sell he would be bankrupt within a year and he will lose the support of his pack. When that happens they began to challenge you for your status. And he is a man of legacy and bloodline he wouldn't won't that to happen no matter how proud he is, his family last name being dethroned would be a disgrace. He needs to know that I never mix business with pleasure that is how I have been so successful since I took over for my father within the last five years.

"So I will not fold or lose focus now"

I decided I will play dirty as well fighting fire with fire. First I lowered my offer amount then I pulled the funding contract all together. That made every other company pull their offer right along with me. When the Moretti company isn't interested no one is interested. Our name hold alot of weight in the human and wolf world especially since I am a Cranach der Altere. Mr. Fairmont had no choice but to contact my company to accept the deal on my terms. After the contract was signed only than did I take his daughter to bed without the proposal of marriage. Which that very same night I found out they both lied about her being a virgin, not that I wanted to mate with one anyway. I like my women a bit more experience especially with the type of appetite that I crave in the sheets.

When I step off the Moretti's jet our family personal driver was waiting right by the family car. Leave it to my mother to know when her pups would return home. Diego who have been working for our family for almost twenty five years stands at the back door of the black Land Rover Range Rover HSE, hands out to take my briefcase. We hug each other as he take my things than we get in the car not waiting on Emmett my personal bodygaurd to finish loading our things. Diego is one of the human that is aware of who we are as well as that there are other things that goes bump in the night. When you work for us in anyway we make it our business to bring you into the knew that way we don't have to hide who we are or what we do.

Diego: How was Vancouver Cam?

He is also one of the people that is within our pack that doesn't have to address us by ranks and yes we do consider some humans as part of our packs some even wear our family crescent marks. Everything was great uncle Diego. How was things here? He being to explain how everything have been with the pack and how my mother have still been remodeling the guest house since the last visit of the Australian werewolves pack and their Alpha Hudson and his Luna Millie. They came down doing the Haze and wreck the place because the Australian wolves like to hump in wolf form doing that season or any other season. It's not necessarily a bad thing but the Australian wolves can only change form to a wolf not the manlike kind that the lycanthrope change into but big ass wolves that are about nine feet tall for the average male and six to seven feet for the female and that's just the height not including the width. So you can imagine how they left the place. He also tells me that mom is working on the children charity dinners that she and dad host in different countries, states, and cities every year. So she hasn't been able to harass our father about pressuring us about mating, marriage or grandchildren. Within our community it isn't a big deal to mate by and bore children for heirs by twenty five with how long we live but also we are all born not bitten so we are born with our wolves.

I found out that Emilio just arrived back today as well from New York he finalize a sell on a hotel there before visiting mine to check on things while in there. Marcello came back yesterday from Russia he had to be a part of three new clubs grand openings and the Russian Beta Dmitriy Mikhailov mating ceremony of the Mikhailov pack. Which is the second largest pack in Russia the first is the Sokolov pack and the third is Petrov wolf pack. I am to know every alpha, beta, and gamma of every pack around the world with who our family is within the werewolf community. Our sisters Camilla and Mana are both home from school on break. One attends Princeton University while the other Stanford University. Everyone is at my parents house waiting my arrival according to Diego so it doesn't look like I will be retiring to my place to catch up on my sleep any time soon.

So as Diego drive us from the private landing strip to Villa Del Balbionello, Lake Como, I lay back closing my eyes listening to him talk. Yes my parents home is so huge it has its own name not just address. The property is so large that one of the homes on it has different wings large enough to be used as a resort or mini hotel. It's located right on the lake which is something my twin Emilio and I enjoyed living by, growing up as kids our other siblings not so much.

I must've dozed off at some point because I heard Diego calling my name from the front seat. I sit up straight blinking the sleep from my eyes looking around at everything which still looks the same. Still beautiful and grand with a few new touches like gardening and the fresh paint. I can smell and see a new flower but it's one I've never seen before no where in the world doing all my travels. Before I can think more into it the sun starts shining on something that distracted me. It was reflective on the new shiny Lamborghini in matte black color which was parked right next to a shiny blood red Ferrari. Diego follows my line of sight towards the the new shiny cars saying that Mr. Angel Castillo and Mr. Killion Carter are here to visit. I'm nod my head clearing my thoughts of the flower and wiping all trace of sleep from my eyes. Gripping the door handles I step out of the car the only thing I grab out is my briefcase. I know Diego and Emmett will make sure my other things get home. I thank him getting out the car going inside the main house. I say a prayer to the moon goddess because with Killion, Angel, my parents, and siblings all under one roof I could just imagine how this is going to go.

Moon Goddess Help Me Please!

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