Chapter 35

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                             *** The Shift ***

**Camillo Moretti**

Emmett and Raizo rush to our side checking on our luna. I tell them she is fine that I will explain everything in the car. I think that her almost shifting wore her out because she is out in my arms. The vehicles are still parked out front on the curb because we have diplomatic plates we get into the car with Edmond and Emmett. Matteo, Lisa, and Mr. Fairmont are all walking out towards their vehicles looking our way still in shock for Lisa father at what happened with luna but also rage because I am not her baby father but Matteo is and she knew that all along but tried to pin it on me. I text my mom asking her to meet me at the house immediately then I text Killion and Kamden to meet me there too sending it as an emergency message. I know Emmett, Raizo and their brothers are dying to know what happened but I don't want to explain this twice. Hazel is still passed out but I know she is okay I can hear her heart beat and she is warm I rub her hair, face, neck, and shoulders the entire drive home. My mom wasted no time she texts back saying her, dad, and Marcello are there with Angel and Shannon and Emilio will arrive shortly his flight landed a hour ago. I wish Mr. Carter was here that way we wouldn't have to keep explaining this over and over especially over the phone. I wonder how is this possible I know she carries the werewolf gene but I thought if they didn't shift by a certain age it wasn't possible and I never bitten her deep enough to turn her. Emmett speeds through Miami streets with Rain easily keeping up with him. I thought I seen someone following us but the car turned off about ten miles from our house. When we pulled in I see that everyone vehicles is here including Emilio, Killion, and Kamden but there is a suv I never seen before parked on my property as well. Emmett opens the door getting Hazel things as I carry her inside the house. The moment we stepped into the living room I am rushed with questions and crowded by everyone. That's when I see that Mr. Carter is here to already and not in Texas. Mom I need you to check her, everyone else please move back.

Kenneth: Have she been shot?

No she haven't she just fainted at the courthouse.

Killion: What happened?

Gabriela: Oh my god!

Before I could answer Killion question my mom speaks and everyone turns to look at her asking what. Mom lifts Hazel left hand to show that she have claws. Immediately everyone started to speak at once with so many questions yelling them at me it isn't that their mad but confused but it is still pissing me off. That's when a feeling of rage and a need to protect comes over me but my wolf and I are pissed not furious or vengeful thats when I realized that I am feeling Hazel's emotions. Everyone Shut The Fuck Up and Move Back. I didn't mean to yell at them they all looked angry but before they could say anything we all heard a ringing in our ears before Hazel's body jerk forward towards us now she is standing eyes open glowing hazel and big like wolf eyes her claws are all the way out and she yells for them to stop yelling at Mon roi alpha. When Killion and Mr. Carter tries to approach her, she snaps at them she does the same to Shannon when she notice her grab my arm. Angel blocks her from Hazel's view in defense to protect her from Hazel. I step forward towards her, Hazel I am okay you are okay and we are safe remember everyone here is family. Hazel eyes scanned the room looking at everyone one by one sniffing the air. I walk the rest of the way standing directly in front of her rubbing her face she leans her head into my touch still not retracting her claws.

Gabriela: She needs to turn completely so you can make her turn back. She has to complete the shift Camillo that is the only way she can turn back.

I hope my mom is right about this. I don't want my luna hurt. I take in a deep breath to calm myself for what we are about to do. It is a good thing I've been learnt how to control the shift when I was a young boy so it no longer hurts when I do now it's just part of who I am. I remove my shoes, socks, shirt, belt and pants to shift right here in my living room everyone moved back so I could. I noticed that I got a few lustful stares from Sasha, Shannon, and Amariah towards my nake body even Hazel began to haze. I started to feel my ribs breaking everything feels hotter including my blood flowing through my veins feels stronger with a howl from my wolf my whole body shifts from a man to a large dark brown wolf with silky black fur on my paws thanks to Vlad. I stand there in front of Hazel even in wolf form I am taller and larger then she is she is just so small. She looks into my wolf eyes not scared at all she grabs my face rubbing her hands through my fur smiling saying beautiful. That makes my wolf happy that she agrees with him that she is happy with him he whimpers licking her face making her laugh and we lean into her. I step back from her making her look confused and sad at the same time I think don't worry luna I ain't going anywhere and we still want you. I hope this works I growl and howl for her to shift at first she look at me confused again as if she don't or can't understand me. So I lean back forward in her personal space looking in her eyes at first we whimper under her touch because she reaches out to us but I stand taller straighten and squared my shoulders and growl then howl looking in her beautiful hazel eyes. She bows her head and began to shake and cry out as her body starts to shift. I feel her pain from the shift truly we are one, my wolf hates that she have to feel this much pain from her first turn but he is happy she gets to experience this. Within three minutes of her starting to shift standing before me is the most beautiful jet black silky furry wolf I've ever seen and right at the front of her chest is a dark brown patch of fur in the shape of a heart and her hazel eyes are even more beautiful. From the corner of my eyes I see Shannon and Sasha walk forward towards Hazel when she see them she growls at first so they step back but Hazel walks forward towards them and Marcello and Angel step in front of her blocking her from them. Hazel growls and howl standing up straighter squaring her shoulders thinking she won't hurt them. That makes Sasha and Shannon step around the men and Hazel rub her head on them howling.

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