Chapter 45

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The flight was just a hour and twenty minutes until we landed at Gatwick Airport in London. After the girls vision of Hazel, Mashelle, and Shannon little adventure and what happened in three different versions of them trying to get away from their security team I ended up having to threaten Hazel again for the second time since we mated. The difference is this time I didn't regret it or feel bad about it one bit. I was furious with my luna for being so irresponsible and careless with her safety. Did she not understand that I can't and will not live in a world that she isn't in with me. We didn't say anything the whole flight to each other both to mad and stubborn to talk first. I worked on my laptop until we landed but I could feel Hazel rage towards me for yelling and threatening her. She wanted to rip my throat out. As we exited the jet I grabbed my luna hand and she tried to pull it from me so I leaned forward and whispered in her ear if she continued to be mean and rude towards her alpha I would spank her in front of everyone. She go
stiffed and her eyes become enlarged with fear, shock and rage I think there was even a little excitement. There were two limos and four suv's waiting our arrival mom, Rose, and the twins all rode in one limo and my brothers, myself along with our mates are in the other limo headed for the Bulgari Hotel London. I called Angel on the way there to fill him in on the vision that the girls had of our mates little adventure of London. He thanks me letting me know that they are all boarding the Carter's jet now and will be here shortly. When I hang up Hazel tries to pull away but I tighten my hold on her waist pulling her back in place. When will she learn just because she is angry with me it doesn't give her the right to deny my wolf and I of what we crave which is her.

Hazel: That hurts Camillo.

Well luna don't try to get away from me. She calls me a craveman under her breath, so I think I can show her a craveman. I can tell that I am pissing her off and turning her on at the same time because her emotions is given rage but I can also smell her excitement. I can take care of that luna. She turns to look at me in the eyes and I don't know what she is looking for a joke or sarcasm maybe. You can always go back to being mad at me afterwards. Emilio smirks at her knowing what I am talking about. I rub my hand down her neck and she immediately haze she craves my touch even when she is furious with me. I lean over kissing her neck filling my mind with visions of all the times I made her body beg for more while also having her scream for release. She rubs her legs together but it's to late the whole car can smell her arousal I continued to kiss on her neck surprisely keeping myself under control because usually by now I would be hazed and fucked her right now not caring who sees. I filled my mind with vision of me between her legs kissing her sex before biting and sucking on her thigh.

Hazel: Yes!

Nothing else needs to be said and I don't care who is watching I lift her on my lap and bite down into her mark she moans out leaning deeper into my chest. I can feel that my actions turns Mashelle and Sasha on as well because I began to smell their arousal along with feeling the haze ten times stronger coming from them their wolves were in heat and wanted done to them what I was doing to my luna. Hazel continues to moan with each suck and I continued to pull her in deeper as her blood laced my tongue I sucked harder feeling and tasting her excitement and orgasm in her blood. Just as she came I removed my mouth from her shoulder licking over her mark until it stopped bleeding. She lays in my arms until we pull up to the hotel. Emmett and Edmond open the door for us I guess they pulled up at the same time we did. I try to put Hazel on her feet but just like last time we got off a plane into a car she wraps her arms around my neck making me hold her close. Emmett smiles as I rolled my eyes at how spoiled she can be. I dare not put her down because I know I wouldn't hear the end of it just because she is mad with me doesn't release me from my duties as her mate and as her alpha. Just like last time my mother stepped out her limo walking over to us and asked if she is okay and I tell her yes she is just a spoiled luna who seem to not like to walk. As we stepped inside everyone is looking our way some of them even bow their heads the hotel manage comes to greet us telling us our suites are ready asking if we will need anything else. We reserved two Bulgari suites and the Carter's and the Castillo's reserved two a peice as well because the rooms sleeps ten people comfortably for our bodyguards we reserved the knights bridge suites sleeping two to a room. Emmett, Edmond, Raizo, Kyle, Tyler and the Fenrir warriors that had traveled here with us all had booked their own rooms because of certain sleeping arrangement they preferred. I tell him everything is fine for now not wanting to continue the conversation. We were giving key cards to head upstairs which Hazel still made me carry her on the elevator and off to our rooms. When get into the suite mom and Rose goes to their room but promises to return for the twins to have a spa day. They asked Hazel to go but she refused. So I walked us into our room dropping her on the bed.

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