Chapter 23

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                               ***The Hunter***

**Camillo Moretti**

I can sense my luna pain so I head back towards the house all this is so new to me and my wolf we never felt this close to any woman I know it's because I chose to mark her with the mating mark but it's still really intense for us the need to protect her but also us not wanting to leave her side. When I walk inside the house with dad, Kenneth, Angel, and Killion, my mom and the girls are back downstairs with Hazel.

Kenneth: How are you princess?

Hazel rolls her eyes saying she is fine but when he pulls her into a hug she whimpers in pain which makes him pull away immediately with concern in his eyes.

Kenneth: I am sorry princess I didn't mean to hurt you.

Hazel: Its fine I am okay.

My mom tells me she can give her something for the pain but Hazel refused says she doesn't like taking pills. So she asked her if she would like something else to eat because she didn't finish her food. I move close to her that way we can try to take her pain away without anyone noticing. I know mom would know what I am doing as well as Shannon but she won't say anything. Hazel nod her head yes to the food asking if we have noodles. Mom look confused saying she could get the cook to make pasta if that's what she wants. That makes Hazel smile and whimper in pain from her ribs being bruised. She catches her breath telling mom no its ramon noodles in a small bag that comes with the seasoning inside. I know that is something that the cook or my mom wouldn't put on her groceries list so it wouldn't be stocked in the kitchen. I was about to send someone to the store to retrieve it for her but Shannon stands saying she actually brought a few packs over with her. Hazel tries to stand but I hold her still. Where are you trying to go?

Hazel: To help Shannon make me some noodles.

The cook can make them for you. She shakes her head no saying they will not cook them the way she likes hers. I think to myself please be careful releasing her hand. That is when she answered my unspoken plead.

Hazel: I will I promise.

My eyes become enlarged I thought she could only hear me when I am all the way shifted or when I allow my wolf control half way like with what I did in the bathroom. She realize what she did and hurried out the room. My mom smiled at the two of us while everyone else look at me confused.

Killion: How bad is it?

Nothing is broken if that's what you're asking but her right side is badly swollen and also bruised. I am calling a meeting soon with all the bodyguards and the Moretti and Cranach der Altere packs they need to know what will happen if they cross us like this again. Everyone nod their heads my mom and father both agreed. Have you put someone on her family yet? I was just thinking Marco will be coming from them next and if he didn't I will need to get some of our warriors on them seeing that they aren't wolves, vampires, or witches to protect themselves.

Killion: Yes I have. There's two bodyguards per person that dad had me to assign to them. Amariah will be moving in with Kamden at his place he will assign her and Amir security.

What about her grandparents did we put anyone on them?

Mashelle: Her grandmother passed away five years ago and Mr. Adolf lives in France.

Dad does a sharp turn looking at Mashelle his eyes look like they're going to pop out his head.

Antonello: Did you just say Adolf moved back to France as in Gustof Adolf Tueur de demon.

Why does dad look worried and fascinated.

Mashelle: Um no his name is Adolf Elbert Black not that other crap you just said.

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