Chapter 9

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***Coming Clean***

~Camillo Moretti~

Once we were both on the outside of the Carter's house I asked Angel will he be okay. He doesn't look up at me as he tells me yes getting into his car calling Shannon. Well I guess it was her because I see him pull his phone out dailing a number before he gets all the way in his car. He must really love her too along with his wolf she must be his mate because he is different now I can see it and feel it. It is a good thing she loves him too now they just have to get pass the whole hey love I am a werewolf part and I have to bite you to make our bond official in my community. I wonder how sexy or freaky she would think it is knowing she watches and likes twilight. I hope she knows that vampires don't sparkle in sun light and the bond and mating process have nothing to do with gravity pulling you towards your mate but more like the moon goddess and true love and soulmates. I start my car speeding off when my phone rings through the car speakers. I accepted the call seeing the caller ID says it's Ron. He is my right hand man when it comes to all things tech even including when I need someone looked into. He tells me that we have a car with two bodyguards on Hazel and he also sent over a file on her to my personal email after ending the call I sit in traffic for almost two hours trying to get home because of a pile up on the freeway from two over turned eighteen wheelers and a impala. I finally pull into the garage of my loft as I step out my car tired as hell. I notice Angel just parked he must've been in traffic behind me which I wasn't paying attention because I thought I seen him exit on a different turn. I waited for him to exit his vehicle. I thought you were going to talk and check on Shannon?

Angel: I am they live in our building Mr. Carter brought Mashelle, Hazel, and Shannon a loft here, they are all roommates.

I turn my head to the side turning towards the elevator and that's when I see her Jetta parked in a space with her name written inside a yellow square in black letters. Mashelle Audi R8 is there as well I wonder if she invited the jerk Derrick over instead of going to meet him. Angel and I enter the elevator at the same time and the door was getting ready to close when we heard someone saying hold that please. That's when I smell it again honey, sunshine and wildflowers. She is carrying three large brown paper bags which makes it where we can't see her face. I grab two of the three bags and Angel take the other one that's when we see it's Hazel. I knew it was her because of her scent Angel was surprised to see her, her eyes becomes enlarge when she sees us than she looks pissed. I frown seeing her reaction to us. Why would she be pissed with us? Something about my expression changes her expression but I still see the fear in her eyes I wonder if she knows the truth now? Killion and Kenneth both had time to call and talk with her about us or I wonder if she still thinks we are mafia? But by how far she stands from us as if we will attack her at any moment by her body language I think she might know the truth now.

Hazel: Thank... Um.. I mean thank you Mr. Moretti and Mr. Castillo for helping me.

We both just nod our head at her when we make it to the top floor she uses her keycard to let us off the elevator and we follow her off to their door. She hestitated before unlocking the door looking at us like she is debating if to allow us in. Yes I would say that she definitely knows the truth humans that become aware of our existence always start to treat us like the movies myth even when it's not related to our kind the number one thing don't invite them in. We have to remind them that, that's vampires not werewolves. We can smell her fear loud and clear but also we can smell her strength which is stronger she is a fighter. She looks into our eyes searching for something before she unlocked the door allowing us inside. Once inside we sat the bags on the breakfast bar.

Hazel: Thank you again Mr. Moretti and Mr. Castillo.

Angel: Wait how did you know he is Camillo and not Emilio?

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