Chapter 60

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                         *** Secrets & Truths ***

We were all at a lost not knowing what to do as my daughters laid on the floor screaming to the top of their lungs. Emilio phone rings and he rush to answer it that is when we heard screaming coming from the other end of the phone as Mashelle speaks to him in a panic saying something is wrong with Celeste and Freya. Hazel bends down touching the girls head chanting something fast. She stands really fast telling Emilio to tell Mashelle and Sasha to stand back as she start to chant the last words that we heard was incendio as bright red flames forms a circle around Genevieve and Dahlia. Before I could panic about the house burning down Hazel turns telling Emilio, Marcello, and Shadow to come stand next to me so they all do without question as luna chants something over us.

Hazel: I will tie you four to the babies and me momentarily you will be sent to the dark forest the moment you have Vincent and Lucius you will be brought back.

I wasn't able to question her farther because we blinked and we were inside Vlad castle inside the dark forest standing in one of the many living rooms watching as Akasha had Kol, his girlfriend and ten other witches torturing Vincent and Lucius with magical blades. This time we weren't invisible to anyone here they all saw us.

Akasha: How is this possible? Kill them!

The witches stop their attacks on Vincent and Lucius and turned towards us as they chant the same words they used to hurt them at us but nothing happened. Akasha yelled for her guards as Emilio, Marcello, and Shadow started snapping some of the witches necks. As I advanced on her two huge vampyres bodyguards entered the room coming straight at me making Akasha smile.

Akasha: Take that one alive.

They run straight at me at vampyre speed but I jump out the way making them and Akasha look confused.

Marcello: How do we get to them if they're still encased in these flames?

Somehow I knew that he could walk through it and they wouldn't burn maybe because Hazel told us she was tying us to her and the babies so I yell for him to walk through it as I continued to out maneuver Akasha two vampyres goons.

Marcello: Have you lost your damn mind?

Just do it Mar!

Marcello: Hazel have you losing your damn mind Cam!

While yelling at him I get distracted which gives one of the vampryes enough time to come at me with his claws digging them into my side which Emilio feels it. That pissed both of us off.

Emilio: Fuck! Marcello this is all your fucking fault!

Fuck! While his claws were still in my side and Akasha smiled at us I make both set of my claws come out my hands digging them in his arms ripping them off as his friend sees and tries to come at me but Emilio leaps forward ripping his head from his shoulders. We both turn to look at Akasha as Kol and his girlfriend runs out the room. We have been waiting a really long time to kill you! Akasha hands goes to her belly rubbing it as Emilio and me walk towards her that is when we heard the heartbeat of the baby growing inside of her. Before we could react Shadow grabs Vincent and Marcello grabs Lucius which pulls all of us back into the living room of our home in Louisiana. Marcello and Shadow lays both boys on the floor right as the front door open to Mashelle, Sasha, and Shannon bringing the girls.

Emilio: Where are the babies Shelle?

Mashelle: With grandpere and grandmere in France.

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