Chapter 11

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I waited for her to get inside safely before closing my door locking it. My wolf pace back and forth thinking about Hazel then he pause out of nowhere saying we have to mark her before Marco or Emilio tries to mark her first because Marco have already came close with that scratch today. I tell him no not like this not without her permission he growls at me telling me she is his luna. I know she is because I feel it as well but a wolf should never take the choice from another especially a human. One because it is painful, two because if that human isn't that wolf true mate and she is marked anyway when he finds his true mate and mark her that would be a death sentence to the other person. Not saying that Hazel isn't ours just saying that if Emilio or Marco could be that cruel and selfish to mate and mark her not making her aware of the consequences I just don't even want to think about it because I still am not one hundred percent sure I won't go after Marco for that shit that he pulled because my wolf is never wrong one thing that I have learnt is to trust him especially after everything that happened with Sandra. That scratch on Hazel neck was Marco trying to mark her in one way or another.

***Hazel Moon***

I close the door leaning against it taking a deep breath, had I been holding my breath the whole time I was around Camillo I mean Mr. Moretti? It definitely felt like it. I take another deep breath then push off the door when I open my eyes I see Mashelle standing on the balcony on her phone again. She turns and locked eyes with me it was a question, a plead, and a beg within her eyes she wanted to talk and she wanted my approval to come to me. I shake my head at her not wanting to talk to her at the moment. I was learning to much going through to much and everything was centered around the Carter family, my family and lies and if she came to after what she did with Marco I would scream and yell at her but that isn't the kind of friendship I wanted with her. I head towards my room which is on the opposite side of the loft from Shannon and Mashelle rooms. Its like the farther I get from Camillo the more my mark burns. Once inside I close the door leaning on it falling to the floor trying to hold back the tears but failing. Why did my life have to become not only a maury and jerry shit show but the freaking twilight zone. Why couldn't I have gotten that intership back in New York and been faraway from lying mothers, fathers, and friends. Lets not forget supernatural creatures that I didn't won't to know existed really did exist. Why can't I have regular problems like women my age, like money, sex, weight, and careers fuck I would even take unplanned pregnancy over your bestfriend father is your father and not her father who is the mafia but also a Lycanthrope and your mother is a lying bitch that kept your father away for god knows why. Oh and lets not forget the major elephant in the room my ex is a crazy werewolf and mafia boss/alpha who have issues with being told no so now he wants to take me and mark me without my permission. I can always pack up everything clear my bank account which thanks to my job at the Plaza Fairmont Hotel and the nice bonus Mr. Moretti gave, I have well over enough money to start over somewhere else.

I began to feel a little better now that I have a plan to get the fuck out of here far away from Texas and this werewolves shit. But again my body start to feel cold and my mark hurts badly. I feel a little better about my decision but my body doesn't it's aching and screaming at me to stay to not leave Emilio and Camillo. Now that is another fucked up situation how in the hell could I want to be near both of them? What is this pull to them both? I pull myself up going into the restroom to shower making the water extra hot because my body feels so cold. I stay in scrubbing my skin to get the thought of Marco hands off my arms to think I thought I loved that jerk at one time. I was even going to give him a second chance, even after Killion and Mr. Carter I mean Dad warning me not too but the texts and violent behavior on top of him being a werewolf is a no go for me. This afternoon with him showing me how agressive he is still let me know to stay away from him for good this time I seen how he wanted to hurt and dominate me. I absentmindedly rub my hands over my marks when I do I see their eyes again not just Camillo but Emilio eyes as well my mind start to wonder back into the forest I am standing near a lake. I look down at myself hazel eyes, pointed nose, high cheekbones, full lips, long black lashes but it isn't really me maybe in looks but the skin color is different she have creamy paler skin. When she speaks its french she looks up at two men one is the same color as my chocolate caramel complexion the other is her color but somehow they look alike exactly alike as if they're brothers. They called out to her one calling her his sun the other man calling her his moon.

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