Chapter 49

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                           *** Magic Is Magic ***

**Camillo Moretti**

My brothers along with their mates had just returned doing the end of Kyle update about Marco finding his father's body at the safe house. It seem he had returned to remove the prisoners that he had held in the underground shed that was outback of our safe house which I still was confused about how he know so much about our safe house and why was he comfortable enough to keep someone captive there. Now that I think about it with a clear mind thanks to my luna I realized that the traitor maybe a Moretti pack member because they would know the layout of the house know where we would be whenever we travel. The safe house belonged to the Moretti wolf pack after all. It's just a theory that I had I don't have any real proof so for now I will keep this to myself. I told Emilio I would bring him up to speed on everything but we needed to start packing to leave first because Helldog and Kyle wanted us moved headed back to Rome all at the same time since they have already move the others without problems. I hadn't realized Hazel never returned until he asked where was luna. I make sure not to panic because I could smell her scent that is unique to her honey, sunshine, and wildflowers. On top of that I could also hear her heartbeat which is my favorite song now that I think about it that's why she is so appealing her scent and her heart sounds like music to my wolf ears she is a fairy. The moment I get ready to tell him that she is somewhere around the castle she rounds the corner with Ron behind her which we all are surprised to see him up so soon moving around. Granted it's been over twenty four hours since we recovered him but he was in horrible shape. It was so bad I read within my mom's mind that she didn't expect for him to pull through especially because she found wolf bane in his wounds.

Gabriela: How is this possible? How are you up? I just left you this morning your ribs and arm were broken and you were also heavyly sedated.

He looks over to Hazel before turning to look back at the rest of us.

Ron: Luna told me to wake up. So I did then she kissed my forehead and it didn't hurt anymore.

This time we all turned looking at Hazel in amazement which makes her look and feel uncomfortable at all the stares she was getting now. She even dropped her eyes towards the floor looking at her feet. Ron turns to her thanking her again pulling her into a hug she smiles at him saying he is very welcome walking over to sit beside me. How did you heal him luna?

Hazel: The fairy queen showed me how.

I think that's where she went earlier when I couldn't feel her here even though she was sitting right beside me. I have so many questions to ask but I will hold them all for later right now we all need to prepare to leave. One of the maid comes to take the plate I am holding. Before they all could bombard luna with questions I asked Ron what happened with him? How did he end up being captured by Marco?

Ron: I was on my way to London to pay my respects to Mr. Mikhailov along with the other fallen Lycanthropes. And I had information for you that couldn't be sent or talked about over the phone just in case someone was listening in. They were already spying on us. Our systems somehow got compromised which I still haven't figured out how.

A thought entered his him of him thinking it was one of the Moretti or Cranach der Altere members but he hurry and clear his thoughts.

Ron: So I wasn't taking no chances so I hopped on a flight to London. They were waiting for me the moment I landed I guess having access to everything I was stuck in the back with something that hurt like a bitch and put in a trunk.

I can tell that his vision and memories get foggy for a second.

Ron: Camillo it wasn't Marco men they kept saying the boss will be upset. Right when one of their phones rang and he answered I blanked out. But when I woke up I woke in a warehouse. I woke up to four men asking what did I know and what was I planning on telling you. I wouldn't give them anything so they beat the shit out of me saying they will give me over to your enemies. I was drugged with wolfsbane and I was beating until I passed out when I woke again I was being handed over to Marco Maceo and his men who beat me some more for information that I wouldn't give them. I didn't see the guys faces that had me at first because they wear mask but if I ever heard their voices I would definitely recognize them.

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