Chapter 41

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**Camillo Moretti**

That night continue with the girls dancing on a table to "Adorn" by Miguel which is a song Shannon had requested for Hazel because she knows that is her favorite song. So after the girls finished singing that song drunkenly to us we paid the bill pulling them down to head home. Half way out the club we ran into Derrick and his friends who I think saw us getting ready to leave and headed our way on purpose. Emilio ended up kicking his ass for stepping on his designer dress shoes and also calling Mashelle a cheap whore in front of everyone. We had to pull him off of the guy because Emilio kept hitting even after Derrick was no longer fighting. Everyone was to tired to go to their own homes so they all stayed at our house that included my parents. I would have thought Hazel would've been to tired and drunk for anything but sleep but I was wrong when I walked into our room she was ass naked in nothing but her heels remaining me of my promise I made and how bad she have been when she touched herself in the bathroom before I came in the room. So I smirked at her before going to her and we ended up fucking the rest of the night not going to sleep because when we finished we showered and snuck into the kitchen to make the two of us breakfast while the others were still sleep. I didnt know how tired we both truly were until we woke up the next morning starving in two ways one was for food the other way was for each other. You are becoming insatible luna.

Hazel: And you are my favorite addiction Mon roi alpha.

I pull her to me kissing her lips getting ready to move down to her neck when we heard a knock on the door which we both are still very much completely naked. I pull the covers over us saying come in, the door open and in walks Emilio freshly showered and shaved.

Emilio: Mom told me to come check on you love birds because the both of you missed breakfast, lunch, and dinner and here you both are about to miss breakfast again this morning.

Oh brother I've had breakfast this morning twice. I pull Hazel deeper into my chest kissing her lips and neck.

Emilio: You two are nauseating. Get your ass out of bed and come eat actual food.

He walks out smiling at us both not a fake smile or evil smirk that he would always give us both but an actual smile. I will have to get use to that.

Hazel: Get use to what?

Emilio and I actually getting along and not fighting over you. He actually wants us to be happy together.

Hazel: That's because it's like the gemini twins said he is in love.

You think he is in love with two different women?

Hazel: Not both I think he feels attraction towards one and love for the other. Its kind of like how we were until I truly followed my heart. I think it is just how it is between the two he must choose from.

You are my fated destiny so I got the love, strength, power and happiness regardless of who is after us. He will have to choose wisely if he want to truly be happy and have it all. I hold her tight kissing the top of her head inhaling her scent thinking how lucky I got. Come on luna let's go eat. I sit up pulling her with me, we both get up getting in the shower together I had to make sure that we both focus only on the bathing part because Hazel have a one track mind when I am naked in front of her and I always want to dominate and devour her body whenever she is naked. I make sure we make the shower quick getting out drying off and putting on a t-shirt and sweats which Hazel does the same thing. One thing that I love about her she doesn't have to try to look beautiful with designer clothing and make up she is completely herself and she is even more beautiful that way. Once dress I grab her hand walking out the room when we walk in the dining room everyone turns to look at us.

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