Chapter 28

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**Camillo Moretti**

I am no crazy man not when it comes to knowing what I have so when we left the restaurant I balled the number up and throw it in the trash as we headed out. Not realizing that my father saw the whole exchanges with Scarlett including me throwing the number away he patted me on the back saying he is proud of me. I was proud of me too usually I would've had someone like her bent over in the restroom the moment she gave me those come fuck me eyes. I know if I fucked this up that Emilio would be there to pick up the pieces no way was I letting that happen he wasn't getting my luna Hazel. She is the one not only did I know it but my wolf does as well. I stand there watching as Scarlett walks back inside with her parents. She winks and smile at me but I don't return it I don't want to give her any ideas. Our driver walked a head of us to get the car which we were maybe twenty feet behind him talking when I noticed a red dot on the gas tank of the black limo. I only had time to yell "NO!"

At that moment was when my father, Marcello, and myself were being thrown backwards from the blast of the vehicle someone shot at the gas tank making the car explode. I had to make myself not shift because I felt my wolf trying to shift to keep me safe as well as heal me because it's in their natural. I hit the ground hard my vision goes black for a few seconds before my sight start to come back. As I slowly lift myself off the ground in time to see two white vans speeding away without license plates. I look around to see my father and brother getting up I can't hear them because of the ringing in my ears but right in front of me I smell the blood it's a salty and rustic smell. The driver is on the ground holding his side with blood rushing from it. I guess a piece of the metal pierced his side from the blast. I run over to him putting pressure on the wound. It would really help if he could shift to heal himself but there are to many people starting to come out and gather around the scene. I yell for Marcello to call 911 forgetting my ears are still ringing I didn't hear the sirens approaching until I allowed my wolf to hear for me. Mr. Mastro and a few employees along with guest from his restaurant comes out to help which I can smell that some are human, wolves, and vampires. The paramedics arrive within five minutes luckily the driver is still conscious when they do arrive so they are able to talk with him to get information that they will need.

The police pulled up right behind them stepping out and immediately start taking statements while they speak with dad and Marcello I call Killion to check on Hazel because if they came for us she maybe next. He answered on the third ring which kind of had me worried for a minute. I was thinking that maybe they hit everyone at once and my luna was in trouble but then he answered the phone. Is Hazel okay?

Killion: Yes she is fine. Why what is up?

I tell him that there was just an attack on Marcello, dad and myself as we were leaving the Mastro Grille. We are all okay but the driver is being taking to the hospital for a side wound.

Killion: Do you need me to come?

No! No just be careful watch your surrounding they blow up the car they are getting desparate. He tell us to stay safe and hang up the phone. The moment I do end the call I am approached by a detective to get my side of things. We ended up being on scene for another two hours just answering question from two different detective luckily we had securtiy following us from the house to the restaurant so we had a way home. I wish I order them to stay outside to watch the vehicles that way everyone would be going home right now instead of one of our men being transported to the hospital. Dad call the hospital to check on the driver and I call Ron to have him pull the camera footage from the restaurant and surrounding businesses.

Marco maybe in New York but his father, brothers and men are still here and I don't put nothing pass the Maceo family or their packs. Especially since this was the same thing that happened to someone that was informing on Mr. Maceo and he had the man car and home blown up. Everyone is here when we get to my parents house including the Castillo's and Carter's members all waiting in the living room. My eyes are searching for my luna when they land on her sitting on the couch with her legs to her chest under my mom. She was sitting there biting her nails the moment she look up and see me she stands and comes to me wrapping her arms around me putting her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her kissing the top of her head than pull away because I need to go wash off the driver blood is still on my suit which I will have to throw away. I tell everyone that I will be back after I had a shower I was expecting Hazel to come with me but she sits back down between Mom and Rose. I don't take long at all when I am done I put on a t-shirt and sweats. My phone rings on the bed so I answer right away because its Ron. He tell me that he and a few others are going over all the footage they were able to retrieve and he was able to hack the police databases to get all the information that was enter so far on the car bombing. I thank him telling him to keep me updated hanging up. I walk out the room hearing someone talking down the hall in whispers so I head that way to see its Mashelle on her phone. She is telling whoever she is speaking to that they had one job, one job and that was to get rid of her, she made sure he had multiple times to do so and he couldn't do that. She hang up saying she will make sure she fix everything herself. She turns towards the bed throwing the phone on it dropping herself on the bed screaming into the pillow. My wolf growls inside my head thinking that Mashelle is up to no good. He immediately thinks of our luna that maybe Mashelle is working with Marco. Before she could catch me ease dropping I head downstairs the moment my feet hit the last step my phone rings again and its Ron so I answered it. That was fast.

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