Chapter 66

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*** The Supernatural Sovereignty ***

** Aine Fay **

How is this possible? It would seem every time we get ten steps ahead of those little wanna be hero's they still get right back ahead of us. Someone have to be helping them there is no way that they are this good by themselves even with those little meddling good two shoes witches helping, they are still no match for us. I want to know who is helping them.

Himiko: I think it is the wolves or the vampyres celestial, that Vlad or maybe even Lucas. After all we have been going after wolves and vampyres.

Margiana: Maybe it is one of those goody good grand white witches that seat at that high table in your Sovereignty celestial meetings.

Marie Laveau: I was thinking the same thing because it is no way that Alpha King or his little fairy bitch should have been able to break that spell I gave the LaRue sisters. Even fated mates are able to get corrupted and stay that way it was my strongest love spell.

What about you Mahsuri you are quiet today what do you think of all this my powerful blood witch? After all it was you that help with recovering my little niece blood for the spell for the Voodoo queen?

Mahsuri: First I don't know why we are helping the others and not just showing ourselves to get the job done. Hell we are stronger and better than those witches, wolves, and vampires we are putting in motion. They already saw two of us and using these nasty disgusting vampyres and wet dogs that calls themselves werewolves isn't working they are all conceited and arrogant idiots.

It is because we need them in order to find Alcaeus body that bitch Lilith tricked Vlad while that little half hybrid witch tricked them both along with that reincarnated Aurora having her teeth into my boy so now they all have their roles and parts to play in all these. After that witch trapped Alcaeus body she took something from him and he needs it back in order to be resurrected whole.

Himiko: What did she take? I mean what could she take from someone as powerful as he?

She took his ( Spark ) something that helps fairies find their bodies and give them access to all their power without it there isn't any hope of finding his body and since he is tied to this Chance wolf we need them.

Margiana: Wait! So we aren't looking for his body? I mean those that are searching aren't searching for his body but this ( Spark ) instead?

Yes that is correct my smart little green witch. So you girls need to be more careful because them seeing you my niece, Vanessa, Ivy, Lucius, and Vincent might be able to put one and one together to make it equal two. That is why I wiped those memories that day that saw you little dark witches we don't need that Alpha King, True Alpha, and my little tri-hybrid niece finding out about you just yet because as evil and powerful as you ladies are you aren't any match for her for these little good white Gemini twin witches. Especially since who their great grandmother is and their mother and her sister leaving them their spark. Let's not forget that there is six gemini witch now that protects all three of them so for now you four witches stay out of sight in this. I don't even want you anywhere near that fairy and her alpha's.

Margiana: What about the others? Those brothers of the True alpha and Alpha king and their mates?

Marie Laveau: We can cause a little mating confusion with them like we did with the others? That was really fun to watch.

I nod my head that way we could end the meeting and they could be gone already these little witches are bad and hardheaded it is best to allow them to have some fun to keep them busy. I have my suspicion that my very own goodie two shoes sister isn't staying out of this like she wants me to believe especially with her granddaughter involved. She stayed in the shadows for to long watching her suffer at my hands and the hands of her very own mother not that she knows of my involvement with her granddaughter or great granddaughter. But is fine that she isn't minding her business in all this because I have my cards I am playing my part with those four dark witches being idiots they are going to give me everything that I want right along with that high priestess Sybil. There is so much at steak here I have went centuries without my boy it is time for him to come home even if that means me making a few deals with devil himself. It is also time that I start looking into my sister and this little nieces of mine because if what the girls say is true her along with her sister is becoming more powerful and getting the attention of other forces I don't need the little tri-hybrid and hybrid ruining my plans we need them alive to bring Alcaeus back along with that alpha mates of luna's. Just as I was about to go to work paying my niece a visit I felt her come into my realm with all of her goodness, perfection, and light. Just her presence along brought light, joy, warmth, blessings, and hope to my dark realm I could feel it radiating from all around.

Titiana: Hello my sister Aine.

Hello your highness what would bring you to the dark fairy realm?

Titiana: Aine you are my sister I came to see you.

More like check up on me.

Titiana: That is only half true you have missed the last two meetings and with the way that we left things on the last visit I wanted to make sure you were okay. Aine we are sister of the same blood I care for and want to be here for you sister.

And that means anything to me because? Shouldn't you be in your realm of goodness, light, love, and joy? Do not your King think it unwise for you to be in a realm with such darkness with the likes of me?

It doesn't matter what he think you are my sister we are blood and that means a lot more than someone coming between us or the light or darkness. Besides you will never hurt me Aine.

You mean I can never hurt you Titiana because we are twins that is linked whatever happens to you happens to me and vise versa. Identical twins fairies of the light and darkness linked, bonded, and bound for eternity no other like us only born once every what eon. Now you leave before my king returns we don't need half brothers starting up wars. I look my sister in the eyes and she gives me one last sad looking before her wings comes out all huge white, gold, and grand her celestial light shines throughout the whole room possibly shines throughout the whole realm as she blinks her eyes looking like she is blinking back tears and her wings takes her away.

Titiana: I love you Aine my sister always.

But never forever Titiana.

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